House File 2210 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to the licensing of, and granting of clinical
2 privileges to, certain health care professionals.
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1 Section 1. Section 135B.7, Code 2024, is amended by adding
2 the following new subsection:
3 NEW SUBSECTION. 6. The department shall also adopt
4 rules prohibiting hospitals and rural emergency hospitals
5 from including on an application for clinical privileges a
6 question regarding whether the applicant has a past history or
7 diagnosis of mental illness, substance use disorders, or other
8 physical or behavioral health conditions. The rules shall
9 allow hospitals and rural emergency hospitals to include on
10 an application for clinical privileges a question regarding
11 whether the applicant currently has any condition that is not
12 being appropriately treated which impairs or adversely affects
13 the applicant’s ability to practice with reasonable skill and
14 safety in a competent, ethical, and professional manner.
15 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION. 147.4A Applications —— current
16 impairment.
17 A board shall not include on an application for licensure
18 or renewal of a license a question regarding whether the
19 applicant has a past history or diagnosis of mental illness,
20 substance use disorders, or other physical or behavioral
21 health conditions. A board may include on an application for
22 licensure or renewal of a license a question regarding whether
23 the applicant currently has any condition that is not being
24 appropriately treated which impairs or adversely affects the
25 applicant’s ability to practice with reasonable skill and
26 safety in a competent, ethical, and professional manner.
28 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
29 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
30 This bill relates to applications for clinical privileges
31 to practice at a hospital and for licenses for health-related
32 professions. The bill requires the department of inspections,
33 appeals, and licensing to adopt rules prohibiting a hospital
34 or rural emergency hospital from including on an application
35 for clinical privileges a question regarding whether the
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H.F. 2210
1 applicant has a past history or diagnosis of mental illness,
2 substance use disorders, or other physical or behavioral
3 health conditions. The rules shall allow a hospital or rural
4 emergency hospital to include a question regarding whether
5 the applicant currently has any condition that is not being
6 appropriately treated which impairs or adversely affects the
7 applicant’s ability to practice with reasonable skill and
8 safety in a competent, ethical, and professional manner.
9 The bill similarly prohibits licensing boards for
10 health-related professions from asking about an applicant’s
11 past history or diagnosis of mental illness, substance use
12 disorders, or other physical or behavioral health conditions.
13 The bill allows licensing boards for health-related professions
14 to ask whether the applicant currently has any condition that
15 is not being appropriately treated which impairs or adversely
16 affects the applicant’s ability to practice.
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Statutes affected: Introduced: 135B.7