Fiscal Note
Fiscal Services Division
SF 2113 – Railroad Crossings, Requirements and Financial Responsibility (LSB1913SZ)
Staff Contact: Garry Martin (515.281.4611)
Fiscal Note Version – New
Senate File 2113 requires a railroad corporation constructing or operating a railway to erect at
least two signs, and install enough gate arms, gate arm signals, and crossing signal lights
designed to flash when a train approaches a crossing, to give notice of the proximity of the
railway and warning signs. The Bill provides that the railroad corporation is responsible for all
associated costs.
Under current law, wherever a railway track crosses a highway, street, or alley, the railroad
corporation owning such track and the applicable governmental entity may agree upon the
location, manner, vacation, physical structure, characteristics, and maintenance of the crossing
and flasher lights or gate arm signals at the crossing and the allocation of associated costs
thereof pursuant to Iowa Code section 327G.15. Every corporation constructing or operating a
railway is required pursuant to Iowa Code section 327G.2 to erect a sign with large and distinct
letters to give notice of the proximity of the railway and warn persons of the necessity of looking
out for trains. There are 4,108 open public at-grade highway railroad grade crossings in the
State of Iowa.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Program
participates in the cost of safety improvements at public highway-railroad grade crossings.
These funds are used to install new crossing signal devices, upgrade existing signals, and
provide low-cost improvements.
• The DOT will hire 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) Executive Officer 2 position to implement
and manage the design, construction, and railroad crossing improvements to ensure
projects comply with roadway design and traffic control standards.
• According to the Department of Management, the starting salary and benefits for an
Executive Officer 2 FTE position is $86,000.
• The DOT anticipates hiring an Executive Officer 2 near the top of the salary range for that
position. The annual cost of this position is estimated to be $120,000. The position would
be located in the Modal Transportation Bureau which is funded through appropriations to the
DOT for operations.
Fiscal Impact
The estimated fiscal impact of SF 2113 is approximately $120,000 for 1.0 Executive Officer 2
FTE position in the DOT.
Department of Transportation
/s/ Jennifer Acton
February 27, 2024
Doc ID 1447188
The fiscal note for this Bill was prepared pursuant to Joint Rule 17 and the Iowa Code. Data used in developing this
fiscal note is available from the Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services Agency upon request.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 327G.2