House File 2083 - Introduced
1 An Act authorizing a county attorney to be issued a
2 professional permit to carry weapons.
TLSB 5321YH (6) 90
H.F. 2083
1 Section 1. Section 724.6, subsection 1, paragraph a,
2 subparagraph (1), Code 2024, is amended to read as follows:
3 (1) A person may be issued a permit to carry weapons when
4 the person’s employment in a private investigation business
5 or private security business licensed under chapter 80A, or a
6 person’s employment as a peace officer, correctional officer,
7 county attorney, assistant county attorney, security guard,
8 bank messenger or other person transporting property of a value
9 requiring security, or in police work, reasonably justifies
10 that person going armed.
11 Sec. 2. Section 724.6, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 2024,
12 is amended by adding the following new subparagraph:
13 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (3) A person may be issued a permit
14 to carry weapons if the person is a county attorney or an
15 assistant county attorney. An application for a permit by
16 an assistant county attorney must be approved by the county
17 attorney of each county in which the applicant serves prior
18 to a permit to carry weapons being issued. The sheriff of
19 the issuing county may require the applicant to complete a
20 proficiency examination prior to issuing the permit to carry
21 weapons. The standards for a proficiency examination for a
22 county attorney or assistant county attorney shall not exceed
23 the standards required of a peace officer. The applicant
24 shall pay the reasonable costs associated with completing a
25 proficiency examination.
26 Sec. 3. Section 724.6, subsection 1, paragraphs b, c, and d,
27 Code 2024, are amended to read as follows:
28 b. The permit shall be on a form prescribed and published by
29 the commissioner of public safety, shall identify the holder,
30 and shall state the nature of the employment requiring the
31 holder to go armed. A permit so issued, other than to a peace
32 officer, county attorney, or assistant county attorney, shall
33 authorize the person to whom it is issued to go armed anywhere
34 in the state, only while engaged in the employment, and while
35 going to and from the place of the employment.
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H.F. 2083
1 c. A permit issued to a certified peace officer, county
2 attorney, or assistant county attorney shall authorize that
3 peace officer, county attorney, or assistant county attorney to
4 go armed anywhere in the state at all times, including on the
5 grounds of a school.
6 d. Permits shall expire twelve months after the date
7 when issued except that permits issued to peace officers,
8 county attorneys, assistant county attorneys, and correctional
9 officers are valid through the officer’s holder of the permit’s
10 period of employment unless otherwise canceled. When the
11 employment is terminated, the holder of the permit shall
12 surrender it to the issuing officer for cancellation.
14 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
15 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
16 This bill authorizes a county attorney to be issued a
17 professional permit to carry weapons.
18 The bill provides that a county attorney or assistant county
19 attorney may be issued a professional permit to carry weapons
20 under the provisions of Code section 724.6 (professional permit
21 to carry weapons) and subject to the following requirements:
22 an application for a permit by an assistant county attorney
23 must be approved by the county attorney of each county in which
24 the applicant serves prior to a permit to carry weapons being
25 issued; and the sheriff of the issuing county may require
26 the applicant, at the applicant’s expense, to complete a
27 proficiency examination prior to the permit to carry weapons
28 being issued.
29 The bill provides that a permit issued to a county attorney
30 or assistant county attorney grants authorization to go armed
31 anywhere in the state at all times, including on the grounds
32 of a school.
33 The bill provides that permits issued to county attorneys
34 and assistant county attorneys are valid through the holder of
35 the permit’s period of employment unless otherwise canceled.
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H.F. 2083
1 When the employment is terminated, the holder of the permit
2 is required to surrender it to the issuing officer for
3 cancellation.
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Statutes affected:
Introduced: 724.6