House Study Bill 542 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to education, including modifying provisions
2 related to the number of area education agencies in this
3 state, the duties and powers of area education agencies,
4 area education agency boards of directors, the department
5 of administrative services, the director of the department
6 of education, the division of special education within the
7 department of education, the services provided by area
8 education agencies, area education agency funding, the
9 calculation of the teacher salary supplement district cost
10 per pupil, and minimum teacher salaries, and including
11 transition, effective date, and applicability provisions.
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3 Section 1. Section 273.1, Code 2024, is amended to read as
4 follows:
5 273.1 Intent.
6 It is the intent of the general assembly to provide an
7 effective, efficient, and economical means of identifying and
8 serving children from under five years of age through grade
9 twelve who require special education and any other children
10 requiring special education as defined in section 256B.2; to
11 provide for media services and other programs and services
12 for pupils in grades kindergarten through twelve and children
13 requiring special education as defined in section 256B.2; to
14 provide a method of financing the programs and services; and
15 to avoid a duplication of programs and services provided by
16 any other school corporation in the state; and to provide
17 services to school districts under a contract with those school
18 districts; to improve student achievement; and to close student
19 achievement gaps.
20 Sec. 2. Section 273.2, Code 2024, is amended to read as
21 follows:
22 273.2 Area education agencies established —— powers ——
23 services and programs.
24 1. There are established throughout the state fifteen not
25 more than nine area education agencies, as determined by the
26 director of the department of education, each of which is
27 governed by an area education agency board of directors under
28 the general supervision of the director, except as otherwise
29 provided in this chapter. Each area education agency shall
30 have an area education agency board of directors that shall
31 serve in an advisory capacity. The boundaries of an area
32 education agency shall not divide a school district. The
33 director of the department of education shall change boundaries
34 of area education agencies to take into account mergers of
35 local school districts and changes in boundaries of local
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1 school districts, when necessary to maintain the policy of this
2 chapter that a local school district shall not be a part of
3 more than one area education agency.
4 2. An area education agency established under this chapter
5 is a body politic as a school corporation for the purpose of
6 exercising powers granted under this chapter, and may sue and
7 be sued. An area education agency may shall not hold real
8 property and execute purchase agreements within two years of a
9 disaster as defined in section 29C.2, subsection 4, and shall
10 not enter into lease-purchase agreements pursuant to section
11 273.3, subsection 7, and if the lease-purchase agreement
12 exceeds ten years or the purchase price of the property to be
13 acquired pursuant to a purchase or lease-purchase agreement
14 exceeds the amount stated in section 26.3, subsection 1, the
15 area education agency shall conduct a public hearing on the
16 proposed purchase or lease-purchase agreement and receive
17 approval from the area education agency board of directors and
18 the state board of education or its designee before entering
19 into the agreement. The department of administrative services
20 is responsible for providing real property and facilities to
21 the area education agencies, as determined in consultation
22 with the director of the department of education, pursuant to
23 a management fee agreement. The area education agencies are
24 responsible for the general maintenance and the grounds of the
25 real property and facilities provided by the department of
26 administrative services.
27 3. The area education agency board agencies shall furnish
28 educational services and programs as provided in section 273.1,
29 this section, sections 273.3 through 273.8, and chapter 256B
30 to the pupils enrolled in public or nonpublic schools located
31 within its boundaries which are on the list of accredited
32 schools pursuant to section 256.11. The programs and services
33 provided shall be at least commensurate with programs and
34 services existing on July 1, 1974. The programs and services
35 provided to pupils enrolled in nonpublic schools shall be
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1 comparable to programs and services provided to pupils enrolled
2 in public schools within constitutional guidelines.
3 4. The area education agency board agencies shall provide
4 for special education services and media services for the
5 local school districts in the area and shall encourage and
6 assist school districts in the area to establish programs for
7 gifted and talented children that request to receive such
8 services, including by entering into agreements with the area
9 education agency. The board shall assist in facilitating
10 interlibrary loans of materials between school districts and
11 other libraries.
12 5. The area education agency board agencies may provide for
13 the following programs and services to local school districts,
14 and at the request of local school districts to providers of
15 child development services who have received grants under
16 chapter 256A from the child development coordinating council,
17 within the limits of funds available:
18 a. In-service training programs for employees of school
19 districts and area education agencies, provided at the time
20 programs and services are established they do not duplicate
21 programs and services available in that area from the
22 universities under the state board of regents and from other
23 universities and four-year institutions of higher education in
24 Iowa. The in-service training programs shall include but are
25 not limited to regular training concerning mental or emotional
26 disorders which may afflict affect children and the impact
27 children with such disorders have upon their families.
28 b. Educational data processing pursuant to section 256.9,
29 subsection 11.
30 c. Research, demonstration projects and models, and
31 educational planning for children under five years of age
32 through grade twelve and children requiring special education
33 as defined in section 256B.2 as approved by the state board of
34 education.
35 d. Auxiliary services for nonpublic school pupils as
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1 provided in section 256.12. However, if auxiliary services are
2 provided their funding shall be based on the type of service
3 provided.
4 e. Other educational programs and services for children
5 under five years through grade twelve and children requiring
6 special education as defined in section 256B.2 and for
7 employees of school districts and area education agencies as
8 approved by the state board of education.
9 6. The board of directors of an area education agency shall
10 not establish programs and services which duplicate programs
11 and services which are or may be provided by the community
12 colleges under the provisions of chapter 260C. An area
13 education agency shall contract, whenever practicable, with
14 other school corporations for the use of personnel, buildings,
15 facilities, supplies, equipment, programs, and services.
16 7. The board of an Subject to the approval of the director
17 of the department of education, an area education agency or
18 a consortium of two or more area education agencies shall
19 contract with one or more licensed dietitians for the support
20 of nutritional provisions in individual education plans
21 developed in accordance with chapter 256B and to provide
22 information to support school nutrition coordinators.
23 8. The area education agency board shall collaborate
24 with the department of education to provide a statewide
25 infrastructure for educational data to create cost
26 efficiencies, provide storage and disaster mitigation, and
27 improve interconnectivity between schools and school districts.
28 In addition, the area education agency boards shall work
29 with the department to provide systemwide coordination in
30 the implementation of the statewide longitudinal data system
31 consistent with the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment
32 Act of 2009. The area education agencies shall provide support
33 to school districts’ information technology infrastructure
34 that is consistent with the statewide infrastructure for the
35 educational data collaborative.
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1 9. The area education agency boards shall jointly develop a
2 three-year statewide strategic plan that supports goals adopted
3 by the state board of education pursuant to section 256.7,
4 subsection 4, and the accreditation standards established
5 pursuant to section 256.11; establish performance goals; and
6 clearly identify the statewide efforts to improve student
7 learning and create efficiencies in management operations for
8 area education agencies and school districts. The statewide
9 strategic plan shall be approved by the state board of
10 education. The area education agency boards shall jointly
11 provide the state board with annual updates on the performance
12 measures.
13 10. 8. The Subject to the approval of the director
14 of the department of education, an area education agency
15 board is encouraged to may employ a child welfare liaison to
16 provide services and guidance to local school districts to
17 facilitate the efficient and effective transfer and enrollment
18 of a child adjudicated under chapter 232 or receiving foster
19 care services to another school district, including but not
20 limited to guidance relating to the transfer of credit earned
21 for coursework taken by the student, enrollment transition
22 planning, facilitating information sharing between education
23 and child welfare agencies, and developing systems designed to
24 ameliorate the transition issues faced by a child adjudicated
25 under chapter 232 or receiving foster care services who is
26 transferring to and enrolling in a school district.
27 11. 9. Subject to an appropriation by the general assembly
28 for such purpose, the area education agency board agencies
29 shall, by July 1, 2024, dedicate at least one full-time
30 equivalent position to maintain a dyslexia specialist. The
31 An area education agency board may hire such a specialist
32 or may provide appropriate training to qualify an existing
33 employee as a specialist on dyslexia. The specialist shall
34 provide technical guidance and assistance, including but
35 not limited to professional development, strategies, and
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1 materials to school districts and accredited nonpublic schools
2 relating to identification of and instruction for students with
3 characteristics of dyslexia. The specialist shall be highly
4 trained in dyslexia and have a minimum of three years of field
5 experience in screening, identifying, and treating dyslexia and
6 related disorders. In the absence of an appropriation, each
7 area education agency board is encouraged to employ a highly
8 qualified dyslexia specialist.
9 10. a. An area education agency may establish a plan, in
10 accordance with section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code,
11 as defined in section 422.3, for employees, which plan shall
12 consist of one or more investment contracts, on a group or
13 individual basis, acquired from a company, or a salesperson for
14 that company, that is authorized to do business in this state.
15 b. The selection of investment contracts to be included
16 within the plan established by the area education agency shall
17 be made either pursuant to a competitive bidding process
18 conducted by the area education agency, in coordination with
19 employee organizations representing employees eligible to
20 participate in the plan, or pursuant to an agreement with
21 the department of administrative services to make available
22 investment contracts included in a deferred compensation or
23 similar plan established by the department of administrative
24 services pursuant to section 8A.438, which plan meets the
25 requirements of this subsection. The determination of whether
26 to select investment contracts for the plan pursuant to a
27 competitive bidding process or by agreement with the department
28 of administrative services shall be made by agreement between
29 the area education agency and the employee organizations
30 representing employees eligible to participate in the plan.
31 c. The area education agency may make elective deferrals in
32 accordance with the plan as authorized by an eligible employee
33 for the purpose of making contributions to the investment
34 contract on behalf of the employee. The deferrals shall be
35 made in the manner which will qualify contributions to the
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1 investment contract for the benefits under section 403(b)
2 of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in section 422.3.
3 In addition, the area education agency may make nonelective
4 employer contributions to the plan.
5 d. As used in this subsection, unless the context otherwise
6 requires, “investment contract” shall mean a custodial account
7 utilizing mutual funds or an annuity contract which meets the
8 requirements of section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, as
9 defined in section 422.3.
10 11. An area education agency may establish and pay all
11 or any part of the cost of group health insurance plans,
12 nonprofit group medical service plans and group life insurance
13 plans adopted by the area education agency for the benefit of
14 employees of the area education agency, from funds available
15 to the board.
16 12. An area education agency may issue school credit
17 cards allowing area education agency employees to pay for the
18 actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of
19 work-related duties.
20 13. An area education agency may purchase equipment as
21 provided in section 279.48.
22 14. By January 15 of each year, the area education agencies
23 shall submit to the department of education the area education
24 agency’s staffing plans and job classifications, including
25 contracted salary, bonus wages and benefits, annuity payments,
26 or any other benefit, for the employees of the area education
27 agency. The director of the department of education shall
28 review the staffing plans and job classifications submitted by
29 the area education agencies and either approve or reject the
30 continuation of each position by March 1 of each year. The
31 area education agencies shall align all job classifications
32 with the job classifications established by the department of
33 administrative services. The area education agencies shall
34 comply with all applicable requirements of 29 U.S.C. ch. 23 and
35 chapter 84C if a reduction in force occurs.
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1 15. The area education agencies shall require that, by
2 July 1, 2024, any person employed by the area education agency
3 who holds a license, certificate, statement of recognition,
4 or authorization other than a coaching authorization, issued
5 by the board of educational examiners to complete the Iowa
6 reading research center dyslexia overview module. Such persons
7 employed after July 1, 2024, shall complete the module within
8 one year of the employee’s initial date of hire.
9 16. The area education agency shall collaborate with the
10 department of education to provide a statewide infrastructure
11 for educational data to create cost efficiencies, provide