Senate Study Bill 1167 - Introduced
1 An Act relating to the Medicaid program including third-party
2 recovery and taxation of Medicaid managed care organization
3 premiums.
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3 Section 1. Section 249A.37, Code 2023, is amended by
4 striking the section and inserting in lieu thereof the
5 following:
6 249A.37 Duties of third parties.
7 1. For the purposes of this section, “Medicaid payor”,
8 “recipient”, “third party”, and “third-party benefits” mean the
9 same as defined in section 249A.54.
10 2. The third-party obligations specified under this section
11 are a condition of doing business in the state. A third party
12 that fails to comply with these obligations shall not be
13 eligible to do business in the state.
14 3. A third party that is a carrier, as defined in section
15 514C.13, shall enter into a health insurance data match program
16 with the department for the sole purpose of comparing the
17 names of the carrier’s insureds with the names of recipients
18 as required by section 505.25.
19 4. A third party shall do all of the following:
20 a. Cooperate with the Medicaid payor in identifying
21 recipients for whom third-party benefits are available
22 including but not limited to providing information to determine
23 the period of potential third-party coverage, the nature of
24 the coverage, and the name, address, and identifying number
25 of the coverage. In cooperating with the Medicaid payor, the
26 third party shall provide information upon the request of the
27 Medicaid payor in a manner prescribed by the Medicaid payor or
28 as agreed upon by the Medicaid payor and the third party.
29 b. (1) Accept the Medicaid payor’s rights of recovery
30 and assignment to the Medicaid payor as a subrogee, assignee,
31 or lienholder under section 249A.54 for payments which the
32 Medicaid payor has made under the Medicaid state plan or under
33 a waiver of such state plan.
34 (2) In the case of a third party other than the original
35 Medicare fee-for-service program under parts A and B of Tit.
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1 XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, a Medicare advantage
2 plan offered by a Medicare advantage organization under part C
3 of Tit. XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, a reasonable
4 cost reimbursement contract under 42 U.S.C. §1395mm, a health
5 care prepayment plan under 42 U.S.C. §1395l, or a prescription
6 drug plan offered by a prescription drug plan sponsor under
7 part D of Tit. XVIII of the federal Social Security Act that
8 requires prior authorization for an item or service furnished
9 to an individual eligible to receive medical assistance
10 under Tit. XIX of the federal Social Security Act, accept
11 authorization provided by the Medicaid payor that the health
12 care item or service is covered under the Medicaid state plan
13 or waiver of such state plan for such individual, as if such
14 authorization were the prior authorization made by the third
15 party for such item or service.
16 c. If, on or before three years from the date a health care
17 item or service was provided, the Medicaid payor submits an
18 inquiry regarding a claim for payment that was submitted to the
19 third party, respond to that inquiry not later than sixty days
20 after receiving the inquiry.
21 d. Respond to any Medicaid payor’s request for payment of a
22 claim described in paragraph “c” not later than ninety business
23 days after receipt of written proof of the claim, either by
24 paying the claim or issuing a written denial to the Medicaid
25 payor.
26 e. Not deny any claim submitted by a Medicaid payor solely
27 on the basis of the date of submission of the claim, the type
28 or format of the claim form, a failure to present proper
29 documentation at the point-of-sale that is the basis of the
30 claim; or in the case of a third party other than the original
31 Medicare fee-for-service program under parts A and B of Tit.
32 XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, a Medicare advantage
33 plan offered by a Medicare advantage organization under part C
34 of Tit. XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, a reasonable
35 cost reimbursement contract under 42 U.S.C. §1395mm, a health
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1 care prepayment plan under 42 U.S.C. §1395l, or a prescription
2 drug plan offered by a prescription drug plan sponsor under
3 part D of Tit. XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, solely
4 on the basis of a failure to obtain prior authorization for the
5 health care item or service for which the claim is submitted if
6 all of the following conditions are met:
7 (a) The claim is submitted to the third party by the
8 Medicaid payor no later than three years after the date on
9 which the health care item or service was furnished.
10 (b) Any action by the Medicaid payor to enforce its rights
11 under section 249A.54 with respect to such claim is commenced
12 not later than six years after the Medicaid payor submits the
13 claim for payment.
14 5. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
15 the time limitations, requirements, and allowances specified
16 in this section shall apply to third-party obligations under
17 this section.
18 6. The department may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A
19 as necessary to administer this section. Rules governing
20 the exchange of information under this section shall be
21 consistent with all laws, regulations, and rules relating to
22 the confidentiality or privacy of personal information or
23 medical records, including but not limited to the federal
24 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,
25 Pub. L. No. 104-191, and regulations promulgated in accordance
26 with that Act and published in 45 C.F.R. pts. 160 – 164.
27 Sec. 2. Section 249A.54, Code 2023, is amended by striking
28 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
29 249A.54 Responsibility for payment on behalf of
30 Medicaid-eligible persons —— liability of other parties.
31 1. It is the intent of the general assembly that a Medicaid
32 payor be the payor of last resort for medical services
33 furnished to recipients. All other sources of payment for
34 medical services are primary relative to medical assistance
35 provided by the Medicaid payor. If benefits of a third party
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1 are discovered or become available after medical assistance has
2 been provided by the Medicaid payor, it is the intent of the
3 general assembly that the Medicaid payor be repaid in full and
4 prior to any other person, program, or entity. The Medicaid
5 payor shall be repaid in full from and to the extent of any
6 third-party benefits, regardless of whether a recipient is made
7 whole or other creditors are paid.
8 2. For the purposes of this section:
9 a. “Collateral” means all of the following:
10 (1) Any and all causes of action, suits, claims,
11 counterclaims, and demands that accrue to the recipient
12 or to the recipient’s agent, related to any covered injury
13 or illness, or medical services that necessitated that the
14 Medicaid payor provide medical assistance to the recipient.
15 (2) All judgments, settlements, and settlement agreements
16 rendered or entered into and related to such causes of action,
17 suits, claims, counterclaims, demands, or judgments.
18 (3) Proceeds.
19 b. “Covered injury or illness” means any sickness, injury,
20 disease, disability, deformity, abnormality disease, necessary
21 medical care, pregnancy, or death for which a third party is,
22 may be, could be, should be, or has been liable, and for which
23 the Medicaid payor is, or may be, obligated to provide, or has
24 provided, medical assistance.
25 c. “Medicaid payor” means the department or any person,
26 entity, or organization that is legally responsible by
27 contract, statute, or agreement to pay claims for medical
28 assistance including but not limited to managed care
29 organizations and other entities that contract with the state
30 to provide medical assistance under chapter 249A.
31 d. “Medical service” means medical or medically related
32 institutional or noninstitutional care, or a medical or
33 medically related institutional or noninstitutional good, item,
34 or service covered by Medicaid.
35 e. “Payment” as it relates to third-party benefits, means
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1 performance of a duty, promise, or obligation, or discharge of
2 a debt or liability, by the delivery, provision, or transfer of
3 third-party benefits for medical services. “To pay” means to
4 make payment.
5 f. “Proceeds” means whatever is received upon the sale,
6 exchange, collection, or other disposition of the collateral
7 or proceeds from the collateral and includes insurance payable
8 because of loss or damage to the collateral or proceeds. “Cash
9 proceeds” include money, checks, and deposit accounts and
10 similar proceeds. All other proceeds are “noncash proceeds”.
11 g. “Recipient” means a person who has applied for medical
12 assistance or who has received medical assistance.
13 h. “Recipient’s agent” includes a recipient’s legal
14 guardian, legal representative, or any other person acting on
15 behalf of the recipient.
16 i. “Third party” means an individual, entity, or program,
17 excluding Medicaid, that is or may be liable to pay all or a
18 part of the expenditures for medical assistance provided by a
19 Medicaid payor to the recipient. A third party includes but is
20 not limited to all of the following:
21 (1) A third-party administrator.
22 (2) A pharmacy benefits manager.
23 (3) A health insurer.
24 (4) A self-insured plan.
25 (5) A group health plan, as defined in section 607(1) of the
26 federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
27 (6) A service benefit plan.
28 (7) A managed care organization.
29 (8) Liability insurance including self-insurance.
30 (9) No-fault insurance.
31 (10) Workers’ compensation laws or plans.
32 (11) Other parties that by law, contract, or agreement
33 are legally responsible for payment of a claim for medical
34 services.
35 j. “Third-party benefits” mean any benefits that are or may
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1 be available to a recipient from a third party and that provide
2 or pay for medical services. “Third-party benefits” may be
3 created by law, contract, court award, judgment, settlement,
4 agreement, or any arrangement between a third party and any
5 person or entity, recipient, or otherwise. “Third-party
6 benefits” include but are not limited to all of the following:
7 (1) Benefits from collateral or proceeds.
8 (2) Health insurance benefits.
9 (3) Health maintenance organization benefits.
10 (4) Benefits from preferred provider arrangements and
11 prepaid health clinics.
12 (5) Benefits from liability insurance, uninsured and
13 underinsured motorist insurance, or personal injury protection
14 coverage.
15 (6) Medical benefits under workers’ compensation.
16 (7) Benefits from any obligation under law or equity to
17 provide medical support.
18 3. Third-party benefits for medical services shall be
19 primary to medical assistance provided by the Medicaid payor.
20 4. a. A Medicaid payor has all of the rights, privileges,
21 and responsibilities identified under this section. Each
22 Medicaid payor is a Medicaid payor to the extent of the
23 medical assistance provided by that Medicaid payor. Therefore,
24 Medicaid payors may exercise their Medicaid payor’s rights
25 under this section concurrently.
26 b. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection to the
27 contrary, if the department determines that a Medicaid payor
28 has not taken reasonable steps within a reasonable time to
29 recover third-party benefits, the department may exercise all
30 of the rights of the Medicaid payor under this section to the
31 exclusion of the Medicaid payor. If the department determines
32 the department will exercise such rights, the department shall
33 give notice to third parties and to the Medicaid payor.
34 5. A Medicaid payor may assign the Medicaid payor’s rights
35 under this section, including but not limited to an assignment
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1 to another Medicaid payor, a provider, or a contractor.
2 6. After the Medicaid payor has provided medical assistance
3 under the Medicaid program, the Medicaid payor shall seek
4 reimbursement for third-party benefits to the extent of the
5 Medicaid payor’s legal liability and for the full amount of
6 the third-party benefits, but not in excess of the amount of
7 medical assistance provided by the Medicaid payor.
8 7. On or before the thirtieth day following discovery by a
9 recipient of potential third-party benefits, a recipient and
10 the recipient’s agent shall inform the Medicaid payor of any
11 rights the recipient has to third-party benefits and of the
12 name and address of any person that is or may be liable to
13 provide third-party benefits.
14 8. When the Medicaid payor provides or becomes liable for
15 medical assistance, the Medicaid payor has the following rights
16 which shall be construed together to provide the greatest
17 recovery of third-party benefits:
18 a. The Medicaid payor is automatically subrogated to any
19 rights that a recipient or a recipient’s agent or legally
20 liable relative has to any third-party benefit for the full
21 amount of medical assistance provided by the Medicaid payor.
22 Recovery pursuant to these subrogation rights shall not be
23 reduced, prorated, or applied to only a portion of a judgment,
24 award, or settlement, but shall provide full recovery to the
25 Medicaid payor from any and all third-party benefits. Equities
26 of a recipient or a recipient’s agent, creditor, or health care
27 provider shall not defeat, reduce, or prorate recovery by the
28 Medicaid payor as to the Medicaid payor’s subrogation rights
29 granted under this paragraph.
30 b. By applying for, accepting, or accepting the benefit
31 of medical assistance, a recipient or a recipient’s agent or
32 legally liable relative automatically assigns to the Medicaid
33 payor any right, title, and interest such person has to any
34 third-party benefit, excluding any Medicare benefit to the
35 extent required to be excluded by federal law.
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1 (1) The assignment granted under this paragraph is absolute
2 and vests legal and equitable title to any such right in the
3 Medicaid payor, but not in excess of the amount of medical
4 assistance provided by the Medicaid payor.
5 (2) The Medicaid payor is a bona fide assignee for value in
6 the assigned right, title, or interest and takes vested legal
7 and equitable title free and clear of latent equities in a
8 third party. Equities of a recipient or a recipient’s agent,
9 creditor, or health care provider shall not defeat or reduce
10 recovery by the Medicaid payor as to the assignment granted
11 under this paragraph.
12 c. The Medicaid payor is entitled to and has an automatic
13 lien upon the collateral for the full amount of medical
14 assistance provided by the Medicaid payor to or on behalf of
15 the recipient for medical services furnished as a result of any
16 covered injury or illness for which a third party is or may be
17 liable.
18 (1) The lien attaches automatically when a recipient first
19 receives medical services for which the Medicaid payor may be
20 obligated to provide medical assistance.
21 (2) The filing of the notice of lien with the clerk of
22 the district court in the county in which the recipient’s
23 eligibility is established pursuant to this section shall be
24 notice of the lien to all persons. Notice is effective as of
25 the date of filing of the notice of lien.
26 (3) If the Medicaid payor knows that th