Fiscal Note
Fiscal Services Division
SF 267 – Iowa Law Enforcement Academy (LSB1986XS)
Staff Contact: Justus Thompson (515.725.2249)
Fiscal Note Version – New
Senate File 267 relates to the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) Council including the
revocation or suspension of certifications of law enforcement officers and reserve peace
officers, and administrative investigations under the peace officer, public safety, and emergency
personnel bill of rights.
The Bill modifies the makeup of the ILEA Council and the existing procedures related to the
revocation of the certification of a law enforcement officer or reserve peace officer. The Bill also
provides that an action for revocation or suspension of the certification of a law enforcement
officer or reserve peace officer may not be maintained by the Council unless the action is
commenced within 180 days from the date the Council was notified of the grounds for the
revocation or suspension.
The ILEA Council is made up of both voting and nonvoting members who oversee the
regulations and decisions involving the ILEA and statewide law enforcement agencies.
Members are appointed for limited terms. Academy Council meetings occur bimonthly. Current
law provides that the Council consists of 13 voting members appointed by the Governor, subject
to confirmation by the Senate.
According to the ILEA, resolving revocations or suspensions of certified officers may take longer
than 180 days depending on the circumstances. The extended delay can have multiple causes,
including scheduling court dates, delays in the evidentiary process, and delays in obtaining legal
documents needed by the Attorney General’s office. These delays are even more common if
the officer is charged with a crime or appeals.
Adopting timeframes for action and new case types may increase ILEA workload and require
additional FTE positions.
Fiscal Impact
Senate File 267 may require the ILEA to hire additional FTE positions to handle the increased
workload under the Bill; however, the number of additional FTE positions is unknown. The cost
of 1.0 Administrative Assistant II FTE position is estimated to be approximately $63,000
Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
Legislative Services Agency
/s/ Jennifer Acton
March 28, 2023
Doc ID 1370624
The fiscal note for this Bill was prepared pursuant to Joint Rule 17 and the Iowa Code. Data used in developing this
fiscal note is available from the Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services Agency upon request.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 80B.6, 80B.13A, 22.7, 80F.1