House File 131 - Enrolled
House File 131
1 Section 1. Section 12C.16, subsection 1, paragraph b,
2 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2024, is amended
3 to read as follows:
4 The credit union may deposit, maintain, pledge and assign
5 for the benefit of the public officer in the manner provided
6 in this chapter, securities approved by the public officer,
7 the market value of which is not less than one hundred ten one
8 hundred percent of the total deposits of public funds placed
9 by that public officer in the credit union, less the amount
10 of deposits that are federally insured. The securities shall
11 consist of any of the following:
12 Sec. 2. Section 533.205, subsection 8, Code 2024, is amended
13 to read as follows:
14 8. A credit union director shall not receive compensation
15 for service as a director. However, a A credit union director
16 may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses directly related to
17 such service as a director. Subject to its bylaws, a credit
18 union may provide compensation to members of the credit union’s
19 board, elected pursuant to section 533.204, in an amount not to
20 exceed sixteen thousand dollars per year per board member for
21 a credit union with one billion dollars or greater in assets,
22 or not to exceed eight thousand dollars per year per board
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23 member for a credit union with less than one billion dollars
24 in assets.
25 Sec. 3. Section 533.205, Code 2024, is amended by adding the
26 following new subsections:
27 NEW SUBSECTION. 10. A director of a state credit union
28 shall not receive terms or be paid a rate of interest on
29 deposits by a state credit union of which the person is a
30 director that are more favorable than that provided to any
31 other member under similar circumstances. Any waiver of
32 ordinary or customary charges related to deposit accounts shall
33 not violate this subsection.
34 NEW SUBSECTION. 11. A director of a state credit union
35 shall not purchase any assets from, lease any assets from, sell
1 any assets to, or lease any assets to a state credit union
2 of which the person is a director except upon terms not less
3 favorable to the state credit union than those offered to or
4 by other persons. All purchases from, leases from, sales to,
5 and leases to a director shall receive prior approval from the
6 majority of the board of directors voting in the absence of the
7 interested director.
8 NEW SUBSECTION. 12. A director of a state credit union
9 shall not receive anything of value, other than compensation
10 and expense reimbursement authorized by this section, for
11 procuring, or attempting to procure, any loan or extension
12 of credit to the state credit union or for procuring, or
13 attempting to procure, an investment by the state credit union.
14 NEW SUBSECTION. 13. a. In addition to any other liability
15 imposed by law upon the directors of a state credit union, the
16 directors of a state credit union shall be liable for all of
17 the following:
18 (1) The directors of a state credit union who vote for,
19 or assent to, the declaration of any dividend or other
20 distribution of the assets of the state credit union to the
21 state credit union’s members in willful or negligent violation
22 of this chapter, any restrictions contained in the articles of
23 incorporation, or any order by the superintendent restricting
24 the payment of dividends or other distribution of assets, shall
25 be jointly and severally liable to the state credit union for
26 the amount of the dividend which is paid, or the value of
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27 such assets which are distributed, in excess of the amount of
28 such dividend or distribution which could have been paid or
29 distributed had the violation not occurred.
30 (2) The directors of a state credit union who vote for,
31 or assent to, any distribution of the assets of the state
32 credit union to the state credit union’s members during the
33 dissolution of the state credit union without the payment and
34 discharge of, or making adequate provision for, all known
35 debts, obligations, and liabilities of the state credit union
1 shall be jointly and severally liable to the state credit union
2 for the value of the distributed assets to the extent that such
3 debts, obligations, and liabilities of the state credit union
4 are not thereafter paid and discharged.
5 (3) The directors of a state credit union who willfully
6 or negligently vote for, or assent to, a loan or an extension
7 of credit in violation of this chapter shall be jointly and
8 severally liable to the state credit union for the total amount
9 of any loss sustained by the state credit union.
10 (4) The directors of a state credit union who willfully or
11 negligently vote for, or assent to, any investment of funds of
12 the state credit union in violation of this chapter shall be
13 jointly and severally liable to the state credit union for the
14 amount of any loss sustained by the state credit union on the
15 investment of funds.
16 b. A director shall not be liable under paragraph “a” if
17 the director relied and acted in good faith on information
18 that was held out to the director to be correct by any officer
19 of the state credit union, or was stated in a written report
20 by a certified public accountant or firm of certified public
21 accounts. A director shall not be deemed to be negligent if
22 the director in good faith exercised the diligence, care, and
23 skill which an ordinarily prudent person would exercise as a
24 director under similar circumstances.
25 c. When deemed necessary by the superintendent, and after
26 affording an opportunity for a hearing upon adequate notice,
27 the superintendent may require that a director whom the
28 superintendent reasonably believes to be liable to a state
29 credit union pursuant to paragraph “a” to place in an escrow
30 account in an insured credit union located in this state,
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31 as directed by the superintendent, an amount sufficient to
32 discharge any liability which may accrue pursuant to paragraph
33 “a”. Upon a final determination of the amount of liability owed
34 pursuant to paragraph “a”, the superintendent shall pay over the
35 amount due to the state credit union from the escrow account.
1 Any portion of the escrow account in excess of the amount of
2 liability owed shall be refunded on a pro rata basis to the
3 directors required to contribute to the escrow account pursuant
4 to this paragraph.
5 d. The liability provisions of this subsection shall not
6 apply to a director of a credit union who is not directly
7 compensated for services as a director other than the
8 reimbursement of actual expenses.
9 NEW SUBSECTION. 14. a. Any director held liable for
10 the payment of a dividend or other distribution of assets of
11 a state credit union under subsection 13 shall be entitled
12 to contribution from any member of the state credit union
13 who accepted or received a dividend or other distribution of
14 assets, knowing that the dividend or distribution of assets was
15 made in violation of this chapter, in proportion to the amount
16 received by each member.
17 b. Any director held liable under subsection 13 shall be
18 entitled to contribution from any other director found to be
19 similarly liable.
20 NEW SUBSECTION. 15. a. A director of a state credit union
21 who is present at a meeting of the state credit union’s board
22 of directors shall be presumed to have assented to any matter
23 taken up by, or action taken by, the board, unless the director
24 dissents by doing any of the following:
25 (1) Has the director’s dissent entered into the minutes of
26 the board meeting.
27 (2) Files the director’s written dissent with the
28 individual acting as the secretary of the board meeting before
29 the adjournment of the board meeting.
30 (3) Forwards the director’s written dissent by registered
31 or certified mail to the board secretary of the state credit
32 union promptly after the adjournment of the board meeting.
33 b. The right to dissent pursuant to paragraph “a” shall not
34 apply to a director who votes in favor of the action of the
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35 board.
1 NEW SUBSECTION. 16. Any action seeking to impose liability
2 under this section, other than liability for contribution,
3 shall be commenced within five years of the event giving rise
4 to the liability.
5 Sec. 4. Section 533.206, Code 2024, is amended to read as
6 follows:
7 533.206 Meetings of the board.
8 1. The board of directors shall hold at least six regular
9 board meetings each calendar year. No more than one regular
10 meeting shall be held in any one calendar month, nor shall
11 a credit union go longer than two consecutive months without
12 holding a board meeting. If a credit union has an individual
13 rating of a four or five, or a composite rating of three, four,
14 or five under the Iowa regulatory risk rating system, the board
15 shall meet monthly.
16 2. With respect to a newly chartered credit union, the board
17 of directors shall meet not less frequently than monthly during
18 each of the first five years of the credit union’s existence.
19 3. Unless the bylaws provide otherwise, the board of
20 directors may permit any and all directors to participate in
21 all except one meeting per year of the board of directors
22 through the use of any means of communication by which all
23 directors participating in the meeting may simultaneously hear
24 each other and communicate during the meeting. A director
25 participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be
26 present at the meeting.
27 Sec. 5. Section 533.210, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2024, are
28 amended to read as follows:
29 1. The board of directors may expel any a member of a state
30 credit union who has failed to do either engaged in any of the
31 following:
32 a. Carry Failing to carry out the member’s obligations to
33 the state credit union.
34 b. Comply Failing to comply with the state credit union’s
35 bylaws or policies.
1 c. Being physically or verbally abusive to credit union
2 members or staff.
3 d. Committing fraud, attempted fraud, or other illegal
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4 conduct that a member has been convicted of in relation to the
5 credit union.
6 2. A member of a state credit union may be expelled by a
7 majority vote of the board of directors at a regular or special
8 meeting of the board.
9 a. An expelled member may request a hearing before the
10 membership of the state credit union superintendent, which
11 shall be held within sixty ninety days of an expelled member’s
12 request.
13 b. At the hearing, the membership superintendent may
14 reinstate the expelled member by majority vote, upon terms and
15 conditions prescribed at the hearing if the credit union fails
16 to prove the member was noncompliant with the obligations in
17 this section.
______________________________ ______________________________
Speaker of the House President of the Senate
I hereby certify that this bill originated in the House and
is known as House File 131, Ninetieth General Assembly.
Chief Clerk of the House
Approved _______________, 2024 ______________________________

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 12C.16, 533.206, 533.210
Reprinted: 12C.16, 12C.17, 533.213, 533.205, 533.206, 533.210
Enrolled: 12C.16, 533.205, 533.204, 533.206