Clarifies that the importation of any item or material infested or infected with an insect or other animal, disease, or other pest is prohibited. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to inspect any item imported or moved into the State from another part of the continental United States or between the Hawaiian Islands. Prohibits the sale of merchandise that a seller knows is infested or infected with a pest. Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to compel the quarantine, treatment, or destruction of certain materials. Clarifies penalties for violations. (SD1)
Statutes affected: SB252: 150A-2, 150A-5, 150A-5.5, 150A-8, 150A-14
SB252 SD1: 150A-2, 150A-5, 150A-5.5, 150A-14
Latest: 150A-2, 150A-5, 150A-5.5, 150A-8, 150A-14