Allows HHFDC or a county to establish a bond recycling program authorized by federal law. Allows HHFDC or a county to secure a line of credit or other instrument of indebtedness for the bond recycling program. Allows the Department of Budget and Finance and HHFDC to enter into an agreement with a county for bond recycling. Requires a county or issuer to submit a report to the Department of Budget and Finance and HHFDC on the status or use of its portion of the volume cap that is being recycled. Requires a reserve to be maintained for the unsecured portion of debt incurred for the bond recycling program and establishes a reserve for HHFDC as a subaccount of the rental housing revolving fund.

Statutes affected:
SB2339: 39B-2, 39B-5, 201H-202
Latest: 39B-2, 39B-5, 201H-202