Revises chapter 342D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to add definitions that are consistent with federal Clean Water Act regulations. Clarifies the Director of Health's role as a certifying agency, including enforcement of water quality certifications, and increases certain statutory civil penalties. (CD1)

Statutes affected:
HB1079: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
HB1079 CD1: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
HB1079 HD1: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
HB1079 HD2: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
HB1079 SD1: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
HB1079 SD2: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53
Latest: 342D-1, 342D-6, 342D-6.5, 342D-9, 342D-30, 342D-50, 342D-53