Authorizes psychiatrists or advanced practice registered nurses, after examination of a person for assisted community treatment indication, to request assistance from the attorney general to file an assisted community treatment petition. Authorizes the family court to use online hearings for assisted community treatment petitions. Clarifies provision of notice for assisted community treatment petitions. Authorizes any interested party to request assistance from the attorney general to file a petition for an extension of assisted community treatment. Extends the time period that a family court may order continued assisted community treatment. Reduces the time period that a family court needs to determine whether assisted community treatment should continue. (CD1)

Statutes affected:
HB950: 334-127, 334-130, 334-133
HB950 CD1: 334-121.5, 334-124, 334-126, 334-127, 334-130, 334-131, 334-133
HB950 HD1: 334-127, 334-130, 334-133
HB950 SD1: 334-127, 334-130, 334-133
Latest: 334-127, 334-130, 334-133