Requires that the University of Hawaii ensure that any individual who participates in implementing the University's disciplinary process has training or experience in handling sexual misconduct complaints and the University's disciplinary process. Requires that the University provide mandatory annual trauma-informed, gender-inclusive, LGBTQ+-inclusive sexual misconduct primary prevention and awareness programming for students and employees of the University. Prohibits the University from taking certain disciplinary action against individuals reporting sexual misconduct unless certain exceptions apply. Establishes positions and appropriates funds. (CD2)

Statutes affected:
HB554: 304A-120
HB554 CD1: 304A-120
HB554 CD2: 304A-120
HB554 HD1: 304A-120
HB554 HD2: 304A-120
HB554 SD1: 304A-120
HB554 SD2: 304A-120
Latest: 304A-120