A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 2 of Chapter 12 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to gambling, so as to revise provisions relative to dogfighting; to prohibit fighting of dogs and game cocks; to prohibit possession or sale of fighting related objects; to provide for punishment; to provide for definitions; to amend Code Section 4-8-27 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to certificates of registration, requirements for issuance of certificate, individuals excluded from receiving registration, limitation of ownership, and annual renewal, so as to make conforming changes; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date and applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
As introduced LC 49 2192: 4-8-27, 16-12-37, 4-11-9.2, 4-11-9.6, 27-1-39, 16-12-4
Committee sub LC 39 4595S: 4-8-27, 16-12-37, 4-11-9.2, 4-11-9.6, 27-1-39, 16-12-4