A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 52 of Title 31 of the O.C.G.A., relating to terminally ill patient's right to try investigational drugs, biological products, and devices, so as to expand access to individualized investigational treatments to patients who have severely debilitating or life-threatening illnesses; to provide for definitions; to provide for eligibility criteria; to provide for written informed consent; to allow certain manufacturers or eligible facilities to make available individualized investigational treatments; to provide that coverage is not mandatory; to prohibit the sanctions against a physician's license; to provide exemption to liability for certain charges; to provide for related matters; to provide for a short title; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
As introduced LC 52 0651: 31-52-1, 31-52-10, 31-52-4, 31-52-6, 31-52-7, 31-52-8, 31-52-3, 31-52-5, 31-52-20, 31-52-21, 31-52-22, 31-52-27, 31-52-23, 31-52-24, 31-52-25, 31-52-26, 51-1-27
Committee Sub LC 52 0746S: 31-52-1, 31-52-10, 31-52-4, 31-52-6, 31-52-7, 31-52-8, 31-52-3, 31-52-5, 31-52-20, 31-52-21, 31-52-22, 31-52-27, 31-52-23, 31-52-24, 31-52-25, 31-52-26, 51-1-27
As Passed Senate: 31-52-1, 31-52-10, 31-52-4, 31-52-6, 31-52-7, 31-52-8, 31-52-3, 31-52-5, 31-52-20, 31-52-21, 31-52-22, 31-52-27, 31-52-23, 31-52-24, 31-52-25, 31-52-26, 51-1-27