A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 17 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the O.C.G.A., relating to teachers and other school personnel, so as to establish the School Supplies for Teachers Program, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly and the availability of other funds for such purpose; to provide for a short title; to provide for definitions; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
As introduced LC 49 1734: 20-2-989.30, 20-2-989.31, 20-2-942, 20-2-989.32, 20-2-989.33
As passed Senate: 20-2-153.1, 20-2-989.30, 20-2-989.31, 20-2-989.32, 20-2-989.33
Floor amend 1 AM 49 0167: 20-1-43, 20-1-42, 20-2-153.1, 20-2-1017, 20-2-281, 20-2-280, 20-2-989.30, 20-2-989.31, 20-2-989.32, 20-2-989.33
LC 55 0302S/hss: 20-2-153.1, 20-2-989.30, 20-2-989.31, 20-2-989.32, 20-2-989.33
SB 464/AP*: 20-1-43, 20-1-42, 20-2-153.1, 20-2-1017, 20-2-281, 20-2-280, 20-2-989.30, 20-2-989.31, 20-2-989.32, 20-2-989.33