A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to obstruction of public administration and related offenses, so as to enhance penalties for the offense of transmitting a false public alarm; to revise restitution provisions for such offense; to provide for and revise definitions; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Statutes affected: As Introduced LC 39 4030: 16-10-28, 16-7-80, 16-7-1, 12-8-92
Committee sub LC 49 1792S: 16-10-28, 16-7-80, 16-7-1, 12-8-92
As passed Senate: 16-10-28, 16-7-80, 16-7-1, 12-8-92
LC 47 1274S/hss: 16-5-21, 16-7-22, 16-15-3, 16-14-3, 16-15-4.1, 16-7-1, 16-10-28, 16-7-80, 12-8-92
SB 421/AP*: 16-5-21, 16-7-22, 16-15-3, 16-14-3, 16-15-4.1, 16-7-1, 16-10-28, 16-7-80, 12-8-92