A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 3 of Article 16 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to student health in elementary and secondary education, so as to authorize the possession of opioid antagonists in schools; to define a term; to authorize schools to maintain a stock supply of opioid antagonists; to authorize trained school personnel to administer opioid antagonists and carry opioid antagonists on their person; to provide for immunity; to provide for activation of the emergency medical services system and notification of emergency contacts; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Statutes affected: As introduced LC 33 9604: 20-2-776.5
Committee sub LC 49 1776S: 20-2-776.5
As Passed Senate: 20-2-776.5
LC 49 1900S/hss: 20-2-776.5
LC 49 1941S/hrcs: 16-13-71, 26-4-116.2, 20-2-776.5, 26-4-89, 31-1-10, 31-11-53.1
SB 395/AP*: 16-13-71, 26-4-116.2, 20-2-776.5, 26-4-89, 31-1-10, 31-11-53.1