A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 17 of the O.C.G.A., relating to criminal procedure, so as to provide for issuance of certificates by a court for purposes of demonstrating rehabilitation and good moral character;to amend Code Section 24-4-419 of the O.C.G.A., relating to admissibility of criminal history record information of an employee or former employee; to amend Chapter 5 of Title 40 of the O.C.G.A., relating to drivers' licenses; to amend Code Section 44-5-150 of the O.C.G.A., relating to search and notification for information identifying anatomical gift donor status; to amend Code Section 51-1-54 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to presumption of due care in hiring of person pardoned or who has obtained a Program and Treatment Completion Certificate; to provide a short title; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
LC 39 4039/a: 24-4-419, 44-5-150, 51-1-54, 17-1-5, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 35-3-37, 40-5-9, 40-5-121, 42-9-42
LC 48 1251S/hs: 15-11-2, 44-5-150, 16-5-23.1, 16-5-19, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 40-5-9, 40-5-121
LC 48 1251S/hcs: 15-11-2, 44-5-150, 16-5-23.1, 16-5-19, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 40-5-9, 40-5-121
Sen floor amend 2 AM 39 0417: 17-4-20.1, 19-13-51
Sen Ctee sub LC 48 1298S: 44-5-150, 15-11-505, 16-5-19, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 40-5-9, 40-5-121
SCSFA to HB 926: 44-5-150, 17-4-20.1, 15-11-505, 16-5-19, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 40-5-9, 40-5-23, 40-5-121, 16-3-1, 19-13-51
HB 926/AP*: 44-5-150, 17-4-20.1, 15-11-505, 16-5-19, 17-4-23, 3-3-23, 16-7-21, 16-8-14, 16-8-14.1, 16-13-30, 17-6-11, 40-5-54, 40-5-56, 17-7-90, 40-5-9, 40-5-23, 40-5-121, 16-3-1, 19-13-51