A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 7 of Title 31 of the O.C.G.A., relating to regulation and construction of hospitals and other health care facilities, so as to establish certain rights of minors and adults admitted to hospitals; to provide for definitions; to authorize hospitals and long-term care facilities to limit or restrict visitation in certain circumstances; to authorize hospitals and long-term care facilities to require visitors to wear personal protective equipment; to provide for statutory construction; to provide that certain rights may not be waived or terminated; to require hospitals and long-term care facilities to post certain information on their websites; to prohibit certain actions by state agencies against hospitals and long-term care facilities; to provide for a short title; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
LC 33 9473/a: 31-7-430, 31-9-2, 31-7-431, 31-7-432, 31-7-433, 31-7-434, 31-7-435
LC 33 9688S/hs: 31-7-430, 31-9-2, 31-7-431, 31-7-432, 31-7-433, 31-7-434, 31-7-435
LC 33 9688S/hcs: 31-7-430, 31-9-2, 31-7-431, 31-7-432, 31-7-433, 31-7-434, 31-7-435
Sen Ctee Sub LC 52 0549S: 31-7-430, 31-9-2, 31-7-431, 31-7-432, 31-7-433, 31-7-434, 31-7-435
HB 663/AP*: 31-7-430, 31-9-2, 31-7-431, 31-7-432, 31-7-433, 31-7-434, 31-7-435