A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 21 of the O.C.G.A, relating to primaries and elections generally, so as to provide that all costs and expenses relating to election administration are paid for with lawfully appropriate public funds; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
As introduced LC 47 2226: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212
Committee sub LC 47 2324S: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212
As passed Senate: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212
LC 47 2465S/hss: 21-2-18, 21-2-30, 21-2-2, 50-4-3, 21-2-71, 21-2-212
LC 47 2506S/hss: 21-2-18, 21-2-30, 21-2-2, 50-4-3, 21-2-71, 21-2-212
LC 47 2532S/hrcs: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212, 21-2-30, 21-2-2, 50-4-3
SB 222/AP*: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212, 21-2-30, 21-2-2, 50-4-3
Committee sub LC 2324S: 21-2-18, 21-2-71, 21-2-212