A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 1 of Chapter 16 of Title 15 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general provisions regarding sheriffs, so as to revise qualification requirements for the office of sheriff; to require certification as a peace officer at the time of qualifying as a candidate for sheriff; to require such candidate to be in good standing with the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council; to provide for a confirming affidavit; to provide for a definition; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Statutes affected: LC 48 0838/a: 15-16-1, 35-8-10
LC 48 0863S/hs: 15-16-1, 35-8-10
LC 48 0864S/hs: 15-16-1, 35-8-10, 15-16-20.1, 15-16-20
LC 57 0080S/hs: 15-16-1, 35-8-10, 15-16-20.1, 15-16-20
LC 39 4310S/hs: 15-16-20.1, 15-16-20