A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 31 of the O.C.G.A., relating to health, so as to eliminate certificate of need requirements for all health care facilities except certain long-term care facilities and services; to amend Code Section 50-18-70 of the O.C.G.A., relating to legislative intent and definitions relative to open records laws, so as to revise definitions; to amend other provisions in various titles of the O.C.G.A., for purposes of conformity; to provide for related matters; to provide for effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
Committee sub LC 33 9433S: 50-18-70, 31-7-1, 31-6-40.3, 31-8-9.1, 31-8-152, 31-8-154, 37-3-1, 31-7-4, 31-7-24, 31-7-25, 31-7-22, 50-14-1, 16-11-62, 17-17-16, 19-13-4, 31-7-12, 31-7-12.1, 31-6-2, 31-2-4, 49-4-31, 31-2-5, 31-6-21.1, 31-2-7, 31-7-3, 31-7-2.1, 31-6-47, 31-7-75, 31-7-94.1, 31-7-116, 31-7-111, 31-7-155, 31-7-179, 31-7-307, 31-7-150, 31-8-153.1, 31-8-181, 31-7-172, 49-6-72, 31-11-100, 33-45-1, 31-7-12.2, 33-45-3, 33-45-7.1, 33-45-5, 37-1-29, 43-26-7, 50-13-42, 50-13-2, 50-26-19, 51-16-1, 31-44-1, 37-1-20
As introduced LC 33 9350: 50-18-70, 31-6-1, 31-6-2, 31-6-44, 31-6-40.3, 31-6-40, 31-6-3, 31-6-20, 31-6-21, 31-6-21.1, 50-13-4, 31-6-42, 31-6-47, 31-6-70, 31-6-40.1, 31-6-45, 31-8-152, 31-6-40.2, 31-6-41, 31-6-43, 31-6-42.1, 31-6-45.2, 31-7-280, 31-8-179.2, 45-7-21, 31-6-44.1, 31-6-45.1, 31-7-4, 49-4-141, 49-4-153, 31-6-46, 37-3-1, 31-6-47.1, 31-6-48, 31-6-49, 31-6-50, 31-7-1, 31-8-154, 31-7-24, 31-7-25, 31-7-22, 50-14-1, 31-7-3, 31-7-2.1, 31-7-75, 31-7-94.1, 31-7-116, 31-7-111, 31-8-153.1, 31-11-100, 37-1-29, 43-26-7