A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to persons and their rights, so as to provide that natural persons do not include an unborn child and shall not be included in certain population based determinations; to provide for conforming changes; to provide for a short title; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
LC 54 0147/a: 1-2-1, 15-11-64, 15-11-682, 16-12-141.1, 15-11-681, 15-11-684, 19-6-15, 19-7-1, 19-7-5, 19-9-124, 19-9-134, 20-1-16, 31-2-1, 16-12-141, 31-7-1, 43-26-3, 43-34-1, 43-34-23, 1-1-3, 31-32-14, 33-24-59.6, 33-30-12, 33-24-59.17, 33-60-3, 31-17-4.1, 33-24-24, 33-24-28.4, 33-24-56.2, 33-24-56.3, 33-24-58.2, 33-24-59, 33-24-59.1, 33-24-59.2, 33-24-59.8, 33-24-59.10, 33-24-72, 33-29-3.2, 33-30-4.2, 33-30-4.3, 33-29-3.4, 33-30-4.5, 43-34-8, 43-34-25, 43-34-110, 45-18-4, 48-7-26, 49-4-156, 49-4-141