A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Chapter 2 of Title 21 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to primaries and elections generally, so as to provide for the sealing of ballots in secure containers; to provide for chain of custody documentation and procedures; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Statutes affected: LC 47 1936/a: 21-2-382, 21-2-385, 38-3-51, 21-2-95, 50-18-70, 21-2-386, 21-2-419, 21-2-417, 21-2-220, 21-2-390, 21-2-483, 21-2-107, 21-2-384, 21-2-420
LC 47 2167S/hs: 21-2-379.25, 21-2-382, 21-2-385, 38-3-51, 21-2-95, 50-18-70, 21-2-384, 21-2-386, 21-2-419, 21-2-417, 21-2-220, 21-2-390, 21-2-483, 21-2-107, 21-2-420