A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to professions and businesses, so as to provide patient protection measures for patients undergoing sedation in certain settings; to provide for patients under conscious sedation in dental settings and for dental procedures in medispas; to provide for patients under varying levels of sedation in physician offices and medispas; to provide for definitions; to provide for rules and regulations; to provide for enforcement; to provide for statutory construction; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Statutes affected:
Floor amend 1: 43-11-21.1
As introduced LC 33 8466: 43-11-21, 43-11-1, 50-13-18, 43-11-2, 43-11-50, 31-7-1, 43-34-47, 43-34-39, 43-34-42, 43-26-11.1, 43-11-21.1
As passed Senate: 43-11-21, 43-11-1, 50-13-18, 43-11-2, 43-11-50, 31-7-1, 43-34-47, 43-34-39, 43-34-42, 43-26-11.1, 43-11-21.1
LC 33 8638S/hss: 43-11-21, 43-11-1, 50-13-18, 43-11-2, 43-11-50, 31-7-1, 43-34-47, 43-34-39, 43-34-42, 43-26-11.1, 43-11-21.1
LC 33 8713S/hss: 43-11-21, 43-11-1, 50-13-18, 43-11-2, 43-11-50, 31-7-1, 43-11-23, 43-11-21.1, 43-34-47, 43-34-39, 43-34-42, 43-26-11.1
SB 5/AP*: 43-11-21, 43-11-1, 50-13-18, 43-11-2, 43-11-50, 31-7-1, 43-11-23, 43-11-21.1, 43-34-47, 43-34-39, 43-34-42, 43-26-11.1