House Bill 1527 seeks to protect 340B entities in Florida by prohibiting discriminatory practices related to the acquisition and reimbursement of 340B drugs. The bill introduces new sections in the Florida Statutes that define key terms such as "340B drug" and "340B entity." It specifically prohibits drug manufacturers from interfering with the delivery of 340B drugs to pharmacies associated with these entities and restricts health insurance issuers and pharmacy benefit managers from reimbursing 340B entities at lower rates than non-340B entities or imposing different terms based on their 340B status. Violations of these provisions are classified as deceptive and unfair trade practices, subjecting offenders to penalties under the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.

Additionally, the bill clarifies that these prohibitions do not apply to the Medicaid program regarding reimbursement for covered outpatient drugs. It also prevents health maintenance organizations and pharmacy benefit managers from requiring unnecessary claims processing information or excluding 340B entities from their networks based solely on their participation in the 340B program. The legislation aims to ensure equitable treatment for 340B entities and their patients, ultimately enhancing access to affordable medications. The act is set to take effect on July 1, 2025.