The proposed bill establishes the Early Education Workforce Support Pilot Program within the Department of Education, aimed at addressing the critical shortage of early education workers in Florida. The program will provide free early education services to the children of eligible early education workers, thereby reducing financial strain and improving job satisfaction and retention in the workforce. The program is set to run for two years, with funding sourced from the General Appropriations Act and potentially eligible federal funds. Key definitions are provided, including those for early education workers, eligible children, and participating providers.

Eligibility for the program requires early education workers to be residents of participating counties, employed for at least six months, and working a minimum of 20 hours per week. The Department of Education is tasked with selecting counties with the highest need, verifying eligibility, and monitoring the program's implementation. Participating providers must comply with licensing requirements and report on enrollment and outcomes. The program is set to expire on June 30, 2028, and the State Board of Education is authorized to adopt rules for its administration. The act is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2025.