The bill seeks to enhance affordable housing by mandating that counties and municipalities allow multifamily and mixed-use residential developments in flexibly zoned areas, with a requirement that at least 40% of the units be affordable rental units for a minimum of 30 years. It restricts local governments from imposing certain limitations on these developments, such as requiring zoning changes or capping nonresidential use in mixed-use projects at 10%. The bill also revises height restrictions and streamlines the approval process by allowing administrative approvals for certain projects without further action from local boards. Additionally, it reduces parking requirements for developments near transit stops and prohibits building moratoriums that could delay affordable housing projects, with a limited exception for a 90-day moratorium under specific conditions.
Moreover, the legislation introduces a new housing policy aimed at supporting affordable housing for employees of hospitals and governmental entities, while also prohibiting discrimination in land use decisions based on the nature of proposed developments. It establishes a framework for civil actions against municipalities that violate these regulations, ensuring that courts prioritize these cases and award reasonable attorney fees and costs to prevailing plaintiffs, capped at $100,000. The bill emphasizes the state's commitment to addressing the housing shortage, particularly in the Florida Keys, and is set to take effect on July 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: S 1730 Filed: 380.0552, 760.26