The bill amends section 627.711 of the Florida Statutes to provide an exemption from public records requirements for certain data entered into the uniform mitigation verification inspection form database. Specifically, it establishes that electronic submissions and associated data, including personal identifying information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, insurance company details, and policy numbers, will be confidential and exempt from public disclosure under s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Article I of the State Constitution. Additionally, the bill includes a provision for future legislative review and potential repeal of this exemption, set to expire on October 2, 2030, unless reenacted by the Legislature.

The Legislature articulates a public necessity for this exemption, citing concerns over privacy and security related to the disclosure of personal identifying information. The bill emphasizes that the release of such information could undermine the privacy of policyholders and potentially expose trade secrets claimed by insurers. The establishment of a statewide database operated by the Office of Insurance Regulation is intended to centralize this information, but the bill argues that public access to it could hinder effective administration and increase risks associated with identity theft and exploitation of personal data. The act will take effect concurrently with SB 1656 or similar legislation, should it be adopted in the same legislative session.