The proposed bill establishes the "Rural Connectivity Innovation Act" by creating a new section, 288.9964, within the Florida Statutes. This act aims to enhance high-speed broadband access in underserved farming communities through a state-funded grant program managed by the Florida Office of Broadband. The program will prioritize funding for public-private partnerships and cooperative organizations that demonstrate a commitment to serving these communities. The total funding for the grant program is capped at $50 million annually, and recipients are required to submit annual progress reports detailing their project milestones and improvements in broadband access. Additionally, the Office of Broadband will conduct performance audits to ensure effective use of funds.
Furthermore, the bill provides tax credits of up to $10,000 annually for farmers in underserved areas who invest in broadband-enabled technologies. Eligible expenses for these tax credits include the purchase, installation, and maintenance of such technologies. The Office of Broadband is also tasked with conducting public awareness campaigns to inform rural communities about grant opportunities and tax credits, as well as providing technical training programs to assist farmers in adopting these technologies. The provisions of this act are set to expire on December 31, 2030, unless extended or amended by the Legislature, and the act is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2025.