The "Tristin Murphy Act" seeks to enhance mental health support within Florida's criminal justice system by expanding existing programs and introducing new initiatives. It amends section 394.658 of the Florida Statutes to include training for 911 public safety telecommunicators and emergency medical technicians, as well as veterans treatment court programs, under the Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program. The bill also exempts certain fiscally constrained counties from local match requirements for specified grants. Additionally, it encourages communities to establish mental health diversion programs for misdemeanor or ordinance violations, requiring defendants to sign consent forms to participate, and emphasizes the importance of providing community-based services for defendants with mental health issues instead of incarceration.
House Bill 1207 establishes a pretrial felony mental health diversion program aimed at diverting defendants with mental health issues from jails to treatment, with a collaborative approach involving local law enforcement, state attorneys, public defenders, and treatment providers. The bill mandates that defendants be screened for mental illness within 24 hours of booking and outlines eligibility criteria for participation in the diversion program. It also introduces new requirements for work assignments and correctional programs, including evaluations of inmates' physical and mental health before assignment. Furthermore, it creates the Florida Behavioral Health Care Data Repository to collect and analyze statewide behavioral health data, with a plan due by December 1, 2025. The act is set to take effect on October 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: H 1207 Filed: 916.185