The bill amends section 287.042 of the Florida Statutes to establish a public records exemption for electronic systems that provide background information on vendors seeking to do business with the state. Specifically, it inserts provisions that state any information held in these electronic systems, along with any related derived information, is exempt from public disclosure under section 119.07(1) and section 24(a), Article I of the State Constitution. However, this information may still be shared with other governmental entities for official duties without losing its exempt status. The exemption is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act and will automatically repeal on October 2, 2030, unless the Legislature reviews and reenacts it.
Additionally, the bill includes a statement of public necessity, emphasizing the importance of protecting sensitive and proprietary information related to vendor evaluations and procurement decisions. It argues that public disclosure of such information could compromise the integrity of government operations and decision-making, particularly concerning safety and security issues. The bill is contingent upon the enactment of HB 1153 or similar legislation, taking effect simultaneously if passed within the same legislative session.