The bill proposes comprehensive reforms to the Department of Elderly Affairs, including the repeal of section 400.0067 related to the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Council. It amends various sections of Florida Statutes, notably changing the term "wait-list" to "preenrollment list" in section 409.979, and mandates that aging and disability resource center personnel place individuals seeking home and community-based services on all relevant preenrollment lists. The bill also clarifies the Department's responsibilities, expands services to include adults with disabilities, and introduces new provisions for the procurement of commodities and services by area agencies on aging, including salary limitations for administrative employees.

Additionally, the bill enhances the definitions and roles of community care service systems and aging resource centers, emphasizing the need for a designated lead agency and a priority system for vulnerable adults. It establishes the Florida Alzheimer's Center of Excellence to improve care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and modifies the existing Alzheimer's Disease Initiative to streamline access to services. The legislation also revises regulations for professional guardians, increasing the fiduciary bond requirement and introducing penalties for violations, while enhancing transparency and accountability through mandatory disclosures of conflicts of interest and annual independent audits. Overall, the bill aims to improve the quality of care and support for elderly individuals and their caregivers in Florida.

Statutes affected:
S 1086 Filed: 400.0067, 430.03, 430.04, 430.2053, 430.503, 430.605, 744.2001, 744.2004, 744.2103, 744.351, 744.3701, 744.441