The bill amends section 119.071 of the Florida Statutes to create an exemption from public records requirements for the personal identifying and location information of certain public officials, including current county and city administrators and their families. This exemption covers home addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, photographs, and the names and locations of schools and daycare facilities attended by their children. The bill also includes a provision for future legislative review, allowing the exemption to be repealed, and it permits retroactive application of the exemption.
Furthermore, the bill emphasizes the necessity of protecting this personal information to prevent potential fraud or harm to these officials and their families, given the public nature of their roles. It specifies that the exemption does not apply to county or city attorneys who are candidates for public office. The provisions are set to take effect on July 1, 2025, and the exemption will be subject to review under the Open Government Sunset Review Act, with a repeal date of October 2, 2030, unless reenacted by the Legislature.
Statutes affected: S 842 Filed: 119.071