The bill establishes a framework for property owners to seek compensation for damages caused by limestone mining operations in Florida. It creates several new sections in the Florida Statutes, specifically sections 552.445 through 552.4454, which outline the legislative intent, definitions, claims process, adjudication of claims, and funding for compensation. The legislation acknowledges the economic importance of limestone mining while addressing the concerns of residents in North West Miami-Dade County and South West Broward County who have reported property damage due to ground vibrations from mining activities.

Property owners within a three-mile radius of limestone mining operations who have experienced damage can file a claim for compensation, provided they submit evidence of ownership, damage, and a link to the mining activities. Claims must be filed within two years of discovering the damage. The Division of Administrative Hearings will adjudicate these claims, allowing for the presentation of evidence and expert testimony. If a claim is upheld, the state will compensate the claimant for repair costs based on market rates, with annual appropriations made by the legislature to ensure prompt payment.