The proposed bill, titled the "Educational Dollars for Duty Program Expansion Act," aims to enhance the existing Educational Dollars for Duty program by establishing a new section, 250.101, in the Florida Statutes. This section will require the program to allocate $500,000 annually to provide financial assistance for up to 50% of tuition costs for the spouses and children of active members of the Florida National Guard. The Department of Military Affairs will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this provision, including establishing procedures for verifying eligibility and distributing funds.

Additionally, the bill transfers and renumbers existing subsections of section 250.10 into the new section 250.101, while also adding new guidelines for the education assistance program for active members of the Florida National Guard. The program will include specific eligibility requirements, course authorization, and penalties for noncompliance. The bill is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, and allows for the possibility of increasing the allocated funds as deemed necessary by the Legislature.