The bill is designed to provide financial relief to Sidney Holmes, who was wrongfully incarcerated for 34 years. It appropriates $1.722 million from the General Revenue Fund to compensate Mr. Holmes for his wrongful conviction and mandates that the Chief Financial Officer issue a warrant for this amount directly to him, without requiring a liability release. Additionally, the bill waives tuition and fees for Mr. Holmes for up to 120 hours of instruction at designated educational institutions. It also clarifies that the state does not waive sovereign immunity or increase liability limits through this act, and prohibits the use of awarded funds for attorney or lobbying fees.

Furthermore, the bill stipulates that upon receiving the compensation, Mr. Holmes cannot apply for additional compensation under existing statutes. If he later receives a monetary judgment or settlement related to his wrongful incarceration, he must reimburse the state for the compensation received under this act, up to the amount awarded in the civil action. The bill includes provisions for notification to the Department of Legal Affairs regarding any civil actions filed by Mr. Holmes and establishes that any future judicial determination of his involvement in the crime would void the benefits provided under this act.