The Florida Senate
(This document is based on the provisions contained in the legislation as of the latest date listed below.)
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Appropriations Committee on Education
BILL: SB 1652
INTRODUCER: Senator Burgess
SUBJECT: District and School Advisory Councils
DATE: February 12, 2024 REVISED:
1. Jahnke Bouck ED Favorable
2. Gray Elwell AED Favorable
3. RC
I. Summary:
SB 1652 renames district advisory councils and school advisory councils as “district community
advisory boards” and “community advisory boards,” respectively. Additionally, the bill:
 Requires community advisory boards to publicize open positions on the board, information
regarding board elections and appointments, and information about becoming a board
 Establishes terms for executive board members.
 Requires the district school board to administer training for members of a community
advisory board.
This bill does not appear to have a fiscal impact. See Section V, Fiscal Impact Statement.
The bill is effective July 1, 2024.
II. Present Situation:
District and School Advisory Councils
Each district school board must establish an advisory council for each school in the district and
develop procedures for the election and appointment of advisory council members. The school
advisory council is the sole body responsible for final decision-making at the school relating to
the implementation of school improvement and education accountability.1
The advisory councils must consist of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of
teachers, education support employees,2 students, parents, and other business and community
Section 1001.452(1), F.S.
Section 1001.452(1)(a), F.S. (flush left provision at the end of the paragraph).
BILL: SB 1652 Page 2
citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the
school. Career center and high school advisory councils must include students, and middle and
junior high school advisory councils may include students. School advisory councils of career
centers and adult education centers are not required to include parents as members. Council
members representing teachers, education support employees, students, and parents must be
elected by their respective peer groups at the school in a fair and equitable manner.3
The district school board must review the membership composition of each advisory council. If
the district school board determines that the membership elected by the school is not
representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school, the district
school board must appoint additional members to achieve proper representation. The
Commissioner of Education must determine if schools have maximized their efforts to include
on their advisory councils minority persons and persons of lower socioeconomic status.4
School districts with a student population of 10,000 or less are excepted from the requirement
that each school have a school advisory council. In such districts, the district school board is only
required to establish a district advisory council that includes at least one duly elected teacher
from each school in the district.5
The district school board may establish a district advisory council representative of the district
that is composed of teachers, students, parents, and other citizens or a district advisory council
that may be comprised of representatives of each school advisory council.6 Similarly, the district
school board may establish a district advisory council with appropriate representatives for the
purpose of developing and monitoring a district school improvement plan that encompasses all
such schools in the district for those schools operating for the purpose of providing educational
services to youth in Department of Juvenile Justice programs.7
Each school advisory council must adopt bylaws establishing procedures for:
 Requiring a quorum, or a majority of the membership, to be present before a vote may be
taken by the school advisory council.
 Requiring at least three days’ advance notice in writing to all members of the advisory
council of any matter that is scheduled to come before the council for a vote.
 Scheduling meetings when parents, students, teachers, businesspersons, and members of the
community can attend.
 Replacing any member who has two unexcused consecutive absences from a school advisory
council meeting that is noticed according to the procedures in the bylaws.
 Recording minutes of meetings.8
The district school board may review all proposed bylaws of a school advisory council and must
maintain a record of minutes of council meetings.9
1001.452(1)(a), F.S.
Id. (flush left provision at the end of the paragraph).
Section 1001.452(1)(b), F.S.
Section 1001.452(1)(c), F.S.
8 Section 1001.452(1)(d), F.S.
Id.. (flush left provision at the end of the paragraph).
BILL: SB 1652 Page 3
Each advisory council must perform functions established by regulations of the district school
board; however, no advisory council can have any of the powers and duties reserved by law to
the district school board. Each school advisory council must assist in the preparation and
evaluation of the school improvement plan. Additionally, with technical assistance from the
Department of Education, each school advisory council must assist in the preparation of the
school’s annual budget.10
Currently, members serving on a school advisory council do not have term limits.
III. Effect of Proposed Changes:
This bill modifies s. 1001.452, F.S., by renaming district advisory councils and school advisory
councils as “district community advisory boards” and “community advisory boards,”
respectively. The bill requires community advisory boards to publicize open positions on the
board, information regarding board elections and appointments, and information about becoming
a board member. The bill also requires the community advisory board to work with each school
to ensure the board's efforts to publicize such information are effective.
The bill specifies that executive board members of a community advisory board, consisting of
the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, are limited to two-year terms. The bill
requires district school boards to administer training, and each member of a community advisory
board must complete such training at least once.
Additionally, the bill requires the community advisory board to review, approve, and update its
bylaws as scheduled by the district school board.
The bill also includes a number of conforming cross-references relating to the renaming of the
The bill is effective July 1, 2024.
IV. Constitutional Issues:
A. Municipality/County Mandates Restrictions:
B. Public Records/Open Meetings Issues:
C. Trust Funds Restrictions:
Section 1001.452(2), F.S.
BILL: SB 1652 Page 4
D. State Tax or Fee Increases:
E. Other Constitutional Issues:
V. Fiscal Impact Statement:
A. Tax/Fee Issues:
B. Private Sector Impact:
C. Government Sector Impact:
This bill does not appear to have a fiscal impact on state revenues or expenditures.
VI. Technical Deficiencies:
VII. Related Issues:
VIII. Statutes Affected:
This bill substantially amends the following sections of the Florida Statutes: 1001.452, 24.121,
1001.42, 1001.43, 1002.23, 1002.32, 1002.33, 1003.02, 1003.4203, 1006.07, 1008.345, 1008.36,
1012.71, and 1012.98.
IX. Additional Information:
A. Committee Substitute – Statement of Changes:
(Summarizing differences between the Committee Substitute and the prior version of the bill.)
B. Amendments:
This Senate Bill Analysis does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill’s introducer or the Florida Senate.

Statutes affected:
S 1652 Filed: 1001.452, 1001.43, 1002.33, 1003.02, 1003.4203, 1006.07, 1008.36, 1012.71, 1012.98