The Florida Senate
(This document is based on the provisions contained in the legislation as of the latest date listed below.)
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Committee on Rules
BILL: SB 1174
INTRODUCER: Senator Ingoglia
SUBJECT: Identification Documents
DATE: February 20, 2024 REVISED:
1. Davis Cibula JU Favorable
2. Hackett Ryon CA Favorable
3. Davis Twogood RC Favorable
I. Summary:
SB 1174 prohibits a county or municipality from accepting as identification an identification
card or document issued by an entity that knowingly issues the card or document to individuals
who are not lawfully present in the United States. The prohibition does not apply to
documentation issued by or on behalf of the Federal Government.
II. Present Situation:
In 2023, the Legislature enacted an expansive immigration bill.1 Among the wide-ranging
provisions contained in the bill were two statutes that prohibited counties and municipalities
from providing funds for the issuance of identification cards.
Section 125.0156, F.S., prohibits a county and s. 166.246, F.S., prohibits a municipality from
providing funds to any person, entity, or organization for the purpose of issuing an identification
card or document to a person who does not provide proof of lawful presence in the United States.
According to the 2023 Senate bill analysis,2 and by way of background information, several
counties had partnered with local organizations to offer a community ID card which would
enable residents to provide a form of identification to law enforcement, schools, organizations,
and social service agencies. Apparently, many of the organizations that issued the ID cards did
not inquire into the individual’s immigration status as a condition of issuing the card.
In response to this practice, sections 125.0156, F.S. and 166.246, F.S., were created thereby
prohibiting a county or municipality from providing funds to an entity for the purpose of issuing
Ch. 2023-40, Laws of Fla.
Florida Senate, Senate Bill Analysis and Fiscal Impact Statement, CS/CS/SB 1718 (April 25, 2023), available at
BILL: SB 1174 Page 2
ID cards or documents to an individual who does not provide proof of lawful presence in the
United States.
III. Effect of Proposed Changes:
The bill prohibits a county or a municipality from accepting as identification any identification
card or document that is issued by any person, entity, or organization that knowingly issues the
identification cards or documents to individuals who are not lawfully present in the United
States. This prohibition does not extend to any documentation that is issued by or on behalf of
the Federal Government.
The bill takes effect July 1, 2024.
IV. Constitutional Issues:
A. Municipality/County Mandates Restrictions:
B. Public Records/Open Meetings Issues:
C. Trust Funds Restrictions:
D. State Tax or Fee Increases:
E. Other Constitutional Issues:
None identified.
V. Fiscal Impact Statement:
A. Tax/Fee Issues:
B. Private Sector Impact:
BILL: SB 1174 Page 3
C. Government Sector Impact:
The bill may result in reduced demand for government services by persons who are not
lawfully present in the United States. Additionally, the bill might reduce the potential for
fraud based on the use of unofficial identification documents.
VI. Technical Deficiencies:
VII. Related Issues:
VIII. Statutes Affected:
This bill substantially amends the following sections of the Florida Statutes: 125.0156 and
IX. Additional Information:
A. Committee Substitute – Statement of Changes:
(Summarizing differences between the Committee Substitute and the prior version of the bill.)
B. Amendments:
This Senate Bill Analysis does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill’s introducer or the Florida Senate.

Statutes affected:
S 1174 Filed: 125.0156, 166.246