Florida Senate - 2024 SB 1130
By Senator Martin
33-00849-24 20241130__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Florida Building Code; creating
3 s. 553.9065, F.S.; providing that certain unvented
4 attics and enclosed rafter assemblies meet specified
5 requirements of the code; directing the Florida
6 Building Commission to adopt the provisions of the act
7 into the Florida Building Code by a certain date;
8 providing an effective date.
10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12 Section 1. Section 553.9065, Florida Statutes, is created
13 to read:
14 553.9065 Thermal efficiency standards for unvented attics
15 and unvented enclosed rafter assemblies.—Unvented attics and
16 unvented enclosed rafter assemblies that are insulated and air
17 sealed with a minimum of R-20 air-impermeable insulation meet
18 the requirements of sections R402.1.2 and R402.1.3 of the
19 Florida Building Code-Energy Conservation, 8th Edition (2023) if
20 all of the following apply:
21 (1) The unvented attic and unvented enclosed rafter
22 assembly comply with section R.806.5 of the International
23 Residential Code.
24 (2) The building has a blower door test result of less than
25 3 ACH50.
26 (3) The building has a positive input ventilation system or
27 a balanced or hybrid whole-house mechanical ventilation system.
28 (4) If the insulation is installed below the roof deck and
29 the exposed portion of roof rafters is not already covered by
30 the R-20 air-impermeable insulation, the exposed portion of the
31 roof rafters is insulated by a minimum of R-3 air-impermeable
32 insulation, unless directly covered by a finished ceiling. Roof
33 rafters are not required to be insulated by a minimum of R-3
34 air-impermeable insulation if continuous insulation is installed
35 above the roof deck.
36 (5) All indoor heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment
37 and ductwork is inside the building thermal envelope.
38 Section 2. By October 1, 2024, the Florida Building
39 Commission shall adopt s. 553.9065, Florida Statutes, as created
40 by this act, into the Florida Building Code pursuant to s.
41 553.73(8), Florida Statutes.
42 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.