Florida Senate - 2024 SB 1010

By Senator Ingoglia

11-00266D-24 20241010__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to state recognition of Indian tribes
3 and bands; creating s. 285.195, F.S.; providing for
4 state recognition of specified Indian tribes and
5 bands; providing construction; providing an effective
6 date.
8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10 Section 1. Section 285.195, Florida Statutes, is created to
11 read:
12 285.195 State recognition of Indian tribes and bands.—
13 (1) This state recognizes the following Indian tribes and
14 bands:
15 (a) The Santa Rosa Band of the Lower Muscogee.
16 (b) The Muscogee Nation of Florida.
17 (c) Lower Chattahoochee Band of Yuchi Indians.
18 (2) State recognition of an Indian tribe or band under this
19 section may not be construed to create any basis or authority
20 not otherwise provided by law for an Indian tribe or band to
21 establish or promote any form of otherwise prohibited gaming
22 activity.
23 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.