BILL #: HB 903 Educator Certifications and Training
1) Education Quality Subcommittee 17 Y, 0 N Collins Sanchez
2) PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee 15 Y, 0 N Bailey Potvin
3) Education & Employment Committee
Educator preparation programs are accountable for producing individuals with the competencies and skills
necessary to achieve state education goals. Current law requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules
to establish uniform core curricula for each state-approved educator preparation program.
The bill establishes additional requirements for the core curricula of educator preparation programs and the
Educator Preparation Institutes’ competency-based certification programs. The bill requires that the core
curricula address strategies and practices related to mass casualty incidents.
The bill specifies that to be eligible to seek an educator certification, including a professional certificate,
temporary certificate, temporary apprentice certificate, or adjunct educator certificate, the individual must have
received training relating to mass casualty incidents.
Additionally, the bill requires the Department of Education to develop a list of approved trainings to prepare
instructional personnel for mass casualty incidents. The training must be included in the requirements for
continuing education or in-service training of instructional personnel.
The bill does not have a fiscal impact.
The bill has an effective date of July 1, 2024.
This docum ent does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill sponsor or House of Representatives .
DATE: 2/6/2024
Present Situation
Educator Preparation Programs
Educator preparation programs are accountable for producing individuals with the competencies and
skills necessary to achieve the state education goals.1 State-approved educator preparation programs
are offered by Florida public and private postsecondary institutions, public school districts, and private
providers by which candidates for educator certification can, depending on the type of program,
demonstrate mastery of general knowledge, professional preparation and education competence, and
subject area knowledge for purposes of attaining an educator certificate. 2
There are various state-approved educator preparation programs that individuals may use to receive
the training needed to attain teaching credentials, including: 3
Initial Educator Preparation programs
Educator Preparation Institutes
District Professional Development Certification and Education Competency Programs .
Initial Educator Preparation Programs
Initial educator preparation programs are offered at postsecondary institutions and typically culminate in
a bachelor’s or master’s degree. This is a traditional pathway to eligibility for educator certification. The
General Knowledge (GK) Examination may be waived for graduate level degrees. Program completers
qualify for a professional educator certificate.4
Educator Preparation Institutes
Educator preparation institutes (EPI) are alternative certification programs offered by postsecondary
institutions and qualified private providers for baccalaureate degree holders as an alternative route to
educator certification for career changers and college graduates. The GK Examination may be waived
for master’s degree or higher; or, subsequent to failing the GK exam, if the educator was provided three
or more years of support or instruction designed to help the educator pass the examination, and the
final summative rating was either effective or highly effective for each of the three most recent years the
educator was rated. Additionally, the Professional Education Competency Exam may be waived if most
recent evaluation is highly effective. Program completers qualify for a professional educator certificate.
District Professional Development Certification and Education Competency Programs
District professional development certification and education competency program are cohesive
competency-based professional preparation certification programs offered by school districts, charter
schools, and charter management organizations by which the instructional staff can satisfy the mastery
of professional preparation and education competence requirements. 5 In addition to completing the
1 Section 1004.04(1)(b), F.S.
2 See Florida Department of Education, Professional Development in Florida, (last
visited Jan. 16, 2024). See also rule 6A-5.066, F.A.C.; ss. 1004.04(3)(a) and 1004.85(1), F.S.
3 Florida Department of Education, Educator Preparation, (last visited Jan. 22, 2024). See
also r. 6A-5.066, F.A.C.
4 Rule 6A-5.066(1)(r), F.A.C.
5 Section 1012.56(8)(a), F.S.
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program, candidates must demonstrate mastery of general knowledge6 and subject area knowledge.7
The GK Examination may be waived for master’s degree or higher; or, subsequent to failing the exam,
the educator was provided three or more years of support or instruction designed to help the educator
pass the exam, and the final summative rating was either effective or highly effective for each of the
three most recent years the educator was rated.
Educator Preparation Program Uniform Core Curricula
The State Board of Education (SBE) must adopt rules to establish uniform core curricula for each state-
approved educator preparation program.8 These rules must include, at a minimum, the following: 9
The Florida Educator Accomplished Practices.10
The state-adopted content standards.
Scientifically researched and evidence-based reading instructional strategies that improve
reading performance for all students, including explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches
to teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension and
multisensory intervention strategies.
Content literacy and mathematics practices.
Strategies appropriate for the instruction of English language learners.
Strategies appropriate for the instruction of students with disabilities.
Strategies to differentiate instruction based on student needs.
Strategies and practices to support evidence-based content aligned to state standards and
grading practices.
Strategies appropriate for the early identification of a student in crisis or experiencing a mental
health challenge and the referral of such student to a mental health professional for support.
Strategies to support the use of technology in education and distance learning.
Strategies and practices to support effective, research-based assessment and grading practices
aligned to the state’s academic standards.
Each educator-candidate must be instructed and assessed on the uniform core curricula in his or her
program concentration area during course work and field experiences. Additionally, each candidate
must participate in field experience and pass the Florida Teacher Certification Examination .11
Educator Certification
While there are several certification pathways, any individual seeking certification must meet specific
eligibility requirements:12
be at least 18 years of age;
sign an affidavit attesting that the applicant will uphold the United States and State
6 See Florida Department of Education, General Knowledge,
requirements/general-knowledge.stml (last visited Jan. 22, 2024).
7 Florida Department of Education, Subject Area Knowledge,
requirements/subject-area-knowledge.stml (last visited Jan. 22, 2024).
8 Section 1004.04(2)(a), F.S.
9 Section 1004.04(2)(b)1-11, F.S.
10 Florida Department of Education, The Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs), (last visited Jan 22, 2024). The Florida
Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) are Florida's core standards for effective educators and provide valuable guidance to
Florida's public-school educators and educator preparation programs throughout the state on what educators are expected to know and
be able to do.
11 Section 1004.04(2)(c)-(d), F.S.
12 Section 1012.56(2)(a)-(f), F.S.
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earn a bachelor’s or higher degree from an accredited institution of higher learning,13 or from a
nonaccredited institution identified by the Department of Education (DOE) as having a quality
program resulting in a bachelor’s or higher degree;14
submit to fingerprinting and background screening and not have a criminal history that requires
the applicant’s disqualification from certification or employment;
be of good moral character; and
be competent and capable of performing the duties, functions, and responsibilities of a teacher.
After meeting eligibility requirements, an individual may choose a certification route. The DOE issues
three types of educator certificates:
Professional Certificate: Florida’s highest type of full-time educator certification;15 valid for five
years and renewable.16
Temporary Certificate: covers employment in full-time positions for which educator certification
is required;17 generally valid for five years and nonrenewable.18 This includes traditional
certificates and military veterans certificate.19
Adjunct Certificate: covers three years of full time (or equivalent part-time) occupational
experience; only valid for the school district or charter school who issued adjunct teaching
An applicant seeking a professional certification must:
meet the basic eligibility requirements for certification;21
demonstrate mastery of general knowledge;22
demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge;23 and
demonstrate mastery of professional preparation and education competence. 24
An applicant seeking a temporary certification must:
meet the basic eligibility requirements for certification;25
13 Section 1012.56(2)(c), F.S.; r. 6A-4.003(1), F.A.C. (approved accrediting agencies); see also 34 C.F.R. ss. 602.1-602.50; United
States Department of Education, Accreditation in the United States, (last visited Jan. 22, 2024) (list of accrediting
agencies approved by the United States Department of Education).
14 Section 1012.56(2)(c), F.S.; r. 6A-4.003(2), F.A.C. (criteria for approval of nonaccredited institutions of higher learning). For initial
certification, an applicant must attain at least a 2.5 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale in the applicant’s major field of study.
Section 1012.56(2)(c), F.S.
15 Rule 6A-4.004(3), F.A.C.
16 Section 1012.56(7)(a), F.S.; see r. 6A-4.0051(3)(d), F.A.C. (validity period is expressed as 5 years from July 1 of the school fiscal
year). The DOE also issues a nonrenewable 5-year professional certificate that allows an applicant with a bachelor’s degree in the area
of speech-language impairment to complete a master’s degree in speech -language impairment. Section 1012.56(7)(c), F.S.; r. 6A-
4.004(4), F.A.C.
17 Rule 6A-4.004(1)(a)2., F.A.C.
18 Section 1012.56(7)(f), F.S. (validity period is expressed in school fiscal years); r. 6A -4.004(1)(a), F.A.C. The veteran’s pathway to
educator certification authorizes a 5 year nonrenewable temporary certificate. Section 1012.56(7)(e)2., F.S. The DOE also issues a
nonrenewable temporary certificate, which is valid for 2 years, in the area of speech -language impairment. Section 1012.56(7)(c), F.S.
19 19 Florida House of Representatives Education Quality Subcommittee, November 15, 2023 Meeting Packet, available at
24&DocumentType=Meeting+Packets&FileName=eqs+11-15-23.pdf at pg. 28.
20 Florida House of Representatives Education Quality Subcommittee, November 15, 2023 Meeting Packet, available at
24&DocumentType=Meeting+Packets&FileName=eqs+11-15-23.pdf at pg. 29.
21 Section 1012.56(2)(a)-(f), F.S.
22 Section 1012.56(2)(g) and (3), F.S.; Florida Department of Education, General Knowledge, (last visited Jan. 22, 2024).
23 Section 1012.56(2)(h) and (5), F.S.
24 Section 1012.56(2)(i) and (6), F.S.; Florida Department of Education, Professional Preparation and Education Competence, (last visited Jan.
22, 2024).
25 Section 1012.56(2)(a)-(f) and (7)(b), F.S.
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obtain full-time employment in a position that requires a Florida educator certificate by a school
district or private school that has a DOE-approved professional education competence
demonstration program;26 and
do one of the following:
o demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge;27 or
o complete the required degree or content courses specified in the SBE rule for subject
area specialization28 and attain at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in the
subject area courses.29
To qualify for a temporary certificate, an applicant must meet subject area specialization requirements
in at least one subject. Each subject area has specific degree or course requirements set in the SBE
rule,30 and select subject areas, including Reading, Speech-Language Impaired, School Counseling,
School Psychology, and School Social Work, require a master’s or specialist degree.31
An applicant seeking an adjunct teaching certificate must:
meet all general requirements for educator certification; 32 and
demonstrate expertise in the area to be taught by passing a subject-area test.
A school district may issue an adjunct teaching certificate for a part-time or full-time teaching position.33
An adjunct teaching certificate is valid through the term of the annual contract between the educator
and the school district.34
For all three certifications, educator-candidates must submit an application, satisfy general eligibility
requirements 35 and certificate-specific requirements.
Effect of Proposed Changes
The bill provides additional requirements for the core curricula of teacher preparation programs and EPI
competency-based certification programs. The bill requires that the core curricula address strategies
and practices on identifying, preventing, preparing, addressing, and responding to mass casualty
The bill provides that to be eligible to seek an educator certification, including a professional certificate,
temporary certificate, temporary apprentice certificate, or adjunct educator certificate, the individual
must have received training relating to mass casualty incidents.
Additionally, the bill requires the DOE to develop a list of approved trainings to prepare instructional
personnel in identifying, preventing, preparing for, addressing, and responding to mass casualty
incidents. Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, the DOE must include the training into existing
requirements for continuing education or in-service training of instructional personnel. This required
training may not add to the total hours required by the DOE for continued education or in-service
training. The bill does not create a cause of action, a new duty of care, or basis of liability unless willful
misconduct caused loss or damage. The SBE may adopt rules to implement this bill.
26 Section 1012.56(1)(b), F.S.; r. 6A-4.004(1)(a), F.A.C.
27 Section 1012.56(7)(b), F.S.; Florida Department of Education, Subject Area Knowledge (last visited Jan. 22, 2024).
28 Section 1012.56(7)(b), F.S. The degree and content requirements are specified in ch. 6A-4, F.A.C.
29 Section 1012.56(2)(c), F.S.; see Florida Department of Education, Certificate Types and Requirements, (last visit