The Florida Senate
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Committee on Education Pre-K -12
BILL: CS/SB 7004
INTRODUCER: Fiscal Policy Committee; Education Pre-K -12 Committee; and Senators Simon
and Osgood
SUBJECT: Deregulation of Public Schools/Assessment and Accountability, Instruction, and
Education Choice
DATE: February 29, 2024
I.Amendments Contained in Message:
House Amendment – 471783 (body with title)
II.Summary of Amendments Contained in Message:
House Amendment – 471783 removes from the Senate bill the provisions that:
 Change the assessment requirements for high school graduation.
 Extend the timeline from 2 to 4 years for district-managed turnaround plans under school
 Specify that the value-added model (VAM) may not be used a sole determinate for bonus
funding and teacher recruitment for schools that are in turnaround.
 Use the initial and mid-year progress monitoring assessment scores to meet the grade three
retention requirement.
 Change the district calculation of capacity for controlled open enrollment.
 Require the Department of Education (DOE) to adopt a timeline to disburse federal school
improvement funds.
 Remove the requirement for school districts to offer summer voluntary prekindergarten
 Remove early learning coalition (ELC) oversight of district VPK programs.
 Authorize school districts to use other VPK attendance methods.
 Modify the timing in adoption cycles relating to school district instructional materials
 Remove the uniform K-12 assessment calendar.
 Modify the timing for seeking an extraordinary exemption from assessments for exceptional
student education students.
The amendment modifies provisions in the Senate bill that:
 Require the DOE to publish an initial list of state-adopted instructional materials, but makes
changes to the required dates.
 Authorize a school district to meet turnaround options in law by implementing a community
partnership school, but changes the timeline requirements to specify that the State Board of
BILL: CS/SB 7004 Page 2
Education (SBE) may provide additional time to a school in school turnaround, if the school
has received a community school grant.
 Allow a student to take the GED at age 16 or 17, but requires the student to file a formal
declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment.
 Authorize a school district to satisfy the requirement to offer a summer VPK program by
contracting with a private VPK provider, rather than removing the requirement for a district
to offer such program.
 Remove additional requirements in the Department of Juvenile Justice education
accountability programs.
The amendment adds to the Senate bill provisions that:
 Delete SBE responsibility for establishing the tuition and out-of-state fees for developmental
education and college-credit instruction.
 Delete the requirement for the SBE to establish performance metrics for the Florida College
System (FCS).
 Require the DOE to review each ELC’s school readiness program every 3 years instead of 2.
 Require each ELC to submit a school readiness program every 3 years instead of 2.
 Delete the requirement that automotive service technology education programs be accredited.
 Delete outdated language related to the authorization for St. Petersburg College to establish
one or more bachelor’s degrees.
 Delete outdated language related to the annual evaluation of the executive director of the
 Authorize, rather than require, school districts to offer virtual school options, and remove the
requirement that approved virtual instruction providers are non-sectarian.

Statutes affected:
S 7004 pb: 1002.31, 1002.311, 1002.34, 1002.53, 1002.63, 1003.433, 1003.435, 1003.455, 1003.4935, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1006.33, 1006.34, 1006.40, 1008.212, 1008.332, 1000.05
S 7004 Filed: 1002.31, 1002.311, 1002.34, 1002.53, 1002.63, 1003.433, 1003.435, 1003.455, 1003.4935, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1006.33, 1006.34, 1006.40, 1008.212, 1008.332, 1000.05
S 7004 c1: 1002.31, 1002.311, 1002.53, 1002.63, 1003.433, 1003.435, 1003.4935, 1003.49965, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1006.33, 1006.34, 1006.40, 1008.212, 1008.332, 1000.05
S 7004 e1: 1002.31, 1002.311, 1002.34, 1002.53, 1002.63, 1003.433, 1003.435, 1003.4935, 1003.49965, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1006.33, 1006.34, 1006.40, 1008.212, 1008.332, 1000.05
S 7004 e2: 1001.02, 1001.03, 1002.311, 1002.34, 1002.61, 1002.82, 1002.85, 1003.435, 1003.4935, 1003.49965, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1007.33, 1008.31, 1008.33, 1008.332, 1008.34, 1008.45, 1002.31, 1002.321, 1008.37, 1013.841
S 7004 er: 1001.02, 1001.03, 1002.311, 1002.34, 1002.61, 1002.82, 1002.85, 1003.435, 1003.4935, 1003.49965, 1003.621, 1006.283, 1007.33, 1008.31, 1008.33, 1008.332, 1008.34, 1008.45, 1002.31, 1002.321, 1008.37, 1013.841