BILL #: CS/HB 479 Alternative Mobility Funding Systems
SPONSOR(S): Commerce Committee, Robinson, W.
1) Local Administration, Federal Affairs & Special 15 Y, 0 N Mwakyanjala Darden
Districts Subcommittee
2) Ways & Means Committee 21 Y, 0 N Rexford Aldridge
3) Commerce Committee 18 Y, 3 N, As CS Larkin Hamon
Each county and municipality is required to plan for future development and growth by adopting, implementing,
and amending as necessary a comprehensive plan. All elements of a plan or plan amendment must be based
on relevant, appropriate data and an analysis by the local government. Each comprehensive plan must include
a transportation element addressing traffic circulation, including the types, locations, and extent of existing and
proposed major thoroughfares and transportation routes, including bicycle and pedestrian ways.
Certain public facilities and services must be in place and available to serve new development no later than the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent by a local government. Local governments
may extend this concurrency requirement to additional public facilities such as transportation. Local
governments electing to repeal transportation concurrency are encouraged to adopt an alternative mobility
funding system. One method of funding local government transportation concurrency requirements is through
the adoption and imposition of impact fees to fund the infrastructure needed to expand local services to meet
the demands of population growth caused by new growth. Local governments may increase impact fees only
under limited circumstances, including upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances.
In 2013, the concept of a mobility fee-based funding system was added to the comprehensive planning
statutes as an encouraged alternative to transportation concurrency.
The bill revises provisions concerning impact fees and concurrency and provides additional guidance
concerning mobility fees. The bill provides definitions for “mobility fee” and “mobility plan” to be used within the
Community Planning Act. The bill provides that local governments adopting and collecting impact fees by
ordinance or resolution must use localized data available within the previous 12 months of adoption, if the
ordinance or resolution increases the impact fee for the local government’s calculation of impact fees.
The bill does not have a fiscal impact on state or local government.
This docum ent does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill sponsor or House of Representatives .
DATE: 1/30/2024
Present Situation
Every local government, defined as any county and municipality, 1 is required to plan for future
development and growth by adopting, implementing, and amending as necessary a comprehensive
plan.2 All elements of a plan or plan amendment must be based on relevant, appropriate data 3 and an
analysis by the local government that may include surveys, studies, aspirational goals, and other data
available at the time of adopting the plan or amendment. 4 The data supporting a plan or amendment
must be taken from professionally accepted sources 5 and must be based on permanent and seasonal
population estimates and projections.6
Each comprehensive plan must include a transportation element, the purpose of which is to plan for a
multimodal transportation system emphasizing feasible public transportation, addressing mobility
issues pertinent to the size and character of the local government, and designed to support all other
elements of the comprehensive plan.7 The transportation element must address traffic circulation,
including the types, locations, and extent of existing and proposed major thoroughfares and
transportation routes, including bicycle and pedestrian ways. 8 The plan of a local government with a
population exceeding 50,000 that is not within the planning area of a metropolitan planning
organization (MPO)9 also must address mass transit, ports, and aviation10 and related facilities.11 The
transportation planning element for a local government with a population exceeding 50,000 located
within the area of a MPO specifically must address the following:
 All alternative modes of travel, including public transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle;
 Aviation, rail, and seaport facilities, access to those facilities, and intermodal transportation;
 Capability to evacuate coastal population prior to a natural disaster;
 Airports, projected airport and aviation development, and land use around airports; and
 Identification of land use densities, building intensities, and transportation management
programs to promote public transportation.12
The transportation planning element for a municipality with a population exceeding 50,000, or a county
with a population exceeding 75,000, must provide for moving people by mass transit, including:
 Providing efficient, safe, and convenient public transit, including accommodation for the
transportation disadvantaged;
 Plans for port, aviation, and related facilities; and
1 S. 163.3164(29), F.S. For the purpose of the act, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District may exercise the powers of a
municipality for the area under its jurisdiction. S. 163.3167(6), F.S. See also ch. 2023-5, Laws of Fla. (renaming the Reedy Creek
Improvement District to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District).
2 Ss. 163.3167(2), 163.3177(2), F.S.
3 “To be based on data means to react to it in an appropriate way and to the extent necessary indicated by the data available o n that
particular subject at the time of adoption of the plan or plan amendment at issue.” S. 163.3177(1)(f), F.S.
4 S. 163.3177(1)(f), F.S.
S. 163.3177(1)(f)2., F.S. The statute does not further define “professionally accepted sources.”
6 S. 163.3177(1)(f)3., F.S. Population estimates may be those published by the Office of Economic and Demographic Research or may
be generated by the local government based upon a professionally acceptable methodology. Id.
7 S. 163.3177(6)(b), F.S.
8 S. 163.3177(6)(b)1., F.S.
9 An MPO must be designated as provided in 23 U.S.C. s. 450.310(a) for each urbanized area with a population of more than 50,000.
S. 339.175(2), F.S. Florida MPOs are intended specifically to develop plans and programs in metropolitan areas for the develo pment
and management of transportation systems and facilities, including pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities to func tion
as an intermodal transportation system. S. 339.175(1), F.S.
10 All local governments have the option to include within the tran sportation element an airport master plan, incorporated into the plan
through the comprehensive plan amendment process. S. 163.3177(6)(b)4., F.S.
11 S. 163.3177(6)(b), F.S.
12 S. 163.3177(6)(b)2., F.S.
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 Plans for circulation of recreational traffic, including bicycle and riding facilities and exercise
In addition to the general requirements for data supporting a comprehensive plan or amendment, the
transportation planning element must include one or more maps showing the general location of
existing and proposed transportation system features and data, analyses, and associated principles
pertaining to:
 Existing transportation system levels of service and system needs and availability of
transportation facilities and services;
 Growth trends and travel patterns, as well as interactions between land use and transportation;
 Current and projected intermodal14 deficiencies and needs;
 Projected transportation system levels of service and system needs; and
 How the local government will correct existing facility deficiencies, meet the needs of the
projected transportation system, and advance the transportation purposes of the plan. 15
Generally, local government transportation and mobility planning should address providing mobility
options, such as automobile, bicycle, pedestrian, or mass transit, that minimize environmental impacts,
expand transportation options, and increase connectivity between destinations.16
Transportation Concurrency
Certain public facilities and services must be in place and available to serve new development no later
than the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent by a local government.17
Local governments may extend this concurrency requirement to additional public facilities such as
transportation.18 Where concurrency is applied to transportation, the local government comprehensive
plan must provide the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies, including adopted levels of
service, to guide its application.19 The plan must show that the included levels of service may
reasonably be met.20 Local governments utilizing transportation concurrency must use professionally
accepted studies to evaluate levels of service and techniques to measure such levels of service when
evaluating potential impacts of proposed developments. 21 While local governments implementing a
transportation concurrency system are encouraged to develop and use certain tools and guidelines,
such as addressing potential negative impacts on urban infill and redevelopment 22 and adopting long-
term multimodal strategies,23 such local governments must follow specific concurrency requirements
including consulting with the Florida Department of Transportation if proposed amendments to the plan
affect the Strategic Intermodal System, exempting public transit facilities from concurrency
requirements, and allowing a developer to contribute a proportionate share to mitigate transportation
impacts for a specific development.24
13 S. 163.3177(6)(b)3., F.S.
14 “Intermodal transportation” is not defined in the statute but generally means the transportation by or involving more than one form of
carrier in a single journey, particularly for moving cargo. See “intermodal,” available at https://www.merriam- (last visited Jan. 14, 2024); “intermodal transport,” available at (last visited Jan. 14, 2024). Part of
the intent in creating the Florida Strategic Intermodal System is to address the increased demands placed on the entire state wide
transportation system by economic and population growth and projected increases in freight movement, international trade, and tourism
designing and operating a strategic intermodal system to meet the mobility needs of the state. See s. 339.61(2), F.S.
S. 163.3177(6)(b)1., F.S.
16 Dept. of Commerce, “Transportation Planning,” available at
development/programs/community-planning-table-of-contents/transportation-planning (last visited Jan. 14, 2024), herein Commerce
Transportation Planning.
17 S. 163.1380(2), F.S. The only such services for which concurrency is mandatory are sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and
potable water supplies.
18 S. 163.3180(1), F.S.
19 Ss. 163.3180(1)(a), 163.3180(5)(a), F.S. See Commerce Transportation Planning, supra n. 16.
20 S. 163.3180(1)(b), F.S.
21 S. 163.3180(5)(b)-(c), F.S.
22 S. 163.3180(5)(e), F.S.
23 S. 163.3180(f), F.S.
24 S. 163.3180(5)(h), F.S. See Commerce Transportation Planning, supra n. 16.
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An applicant for a development-of-regional-impact development order, development agreement,
rezoning, or other land use development permit satisfies the requirements for transportation
concurrency if the applicant in good faith offers to enter into a binding agreement to pay for or construct
its proportionate share of transportation improvements required to mitigate the impact of the proposed
development and the proffered proportionate share contribution or construction is sufficient to
accomplish one or more mobility improvements benefitting a regionally significant transportation
facility.25 The plan for transportation concurrency must provide the basis on which landowners will be
assessed a proportionate share,26 which must include a compliant formula for calculating the
proportionate share.27 The proportionate share may not include additional costs to reduce or eliminate
existing transportation deficiencies.28
Local governments electing to repeal transportation concurrency are encouraged to adopt an
alternative mobility funding system. Such an alternative system may not be used to restrict or deny
certain development approval applications provided the developer agrees to pay for the development’s
transportation impacts using the funding mechanism implemented by the local government. Local
government mobility fee systems must comply with all requirements for adopting and implementing
impact fees. An alternative funding system that is not mobility fee based may not impose on new
development any responsibility for funding existing transportation deficiencies. 29
Impact Fees
One method of funding local government transportation concurrency requirements is through the
adoption and imposition of impact fees on new development. Local governments impose impact fees to
fund infrastructure30 needed to expand local services to meet the demands of population growth
caused by new growth.31 Impact fees must meet the following minimum criteria when adopted:
 The fee must be calculated using the most recent and localized data. 32
 The local government adopting the impact fee must account for and report impact fee
collections and expenditures. If the fee is imposed for a specific infrastructure need, the local
government must account for those revenues and expenditures in a separate accounting fund. 33
 Charges imposed for the collection of impact fees must be limited to the actual costs. 34
 All local governments must give notice of a new or increased impact fee at least 90 days before
the new or increased fee takes effect, but need not wait 90 days before decreasing, suspending,
or eliminating an impact fee. Unless the result reduces total mitigation costs or impact fees on
an applicant, new or increased impact fees may not apply to current or pending applications
submitted before the effective date of an ordinance or resolution imposing a new or increased
impact fee.35
 A local government may not require payment of the impact fee before the date of issuing a
building permit for the property that is subject to the fee. 36
25 S. 163.3180(5)(h)1.c., F.S.
26 S. 163.3180(5)(h)1.d., F.S.
27 S. 163.3180(5(h)2.a.-d., F.S.
S. 163.3180(5)(h)2., F.S. For purposes of s. 163.3180(5), F.S., “transportation deficiency” means a facility or facilities on which the
level of service standard adopted in the comprehensive plan is exceeded by the number of existing, projected, or vested trips together
with additional trips originating from any source other than the development project under review, and trips forecast by established
traffic standards. S. 163.3180(5)(h)4., F.S. Local governments may resolve existing transportation deficiencies within an ide ntified
transportation deficiency area by creating a transportation development authority with specific powers to implement a transportation
sufficiency plan funded through a formula of tax increment funding. Adopting a transportation sufficiency plan is deemed as m eeting
transportation level of service standards, and proportionate fair-share mitigation is limited to ensure developments within the
transportation deficiency area are not responsible for additional costs to eliminate deficiencies. S. 163.3182, F.S.
29 S. 163.3180(5)(i), F.S.
30 “Infrastructure” means the fixed capital expenditure or outlay for the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of public facilities
with a life expectancy of five or more years, together with specific other costs required to bring the public facility into s ervice but
excluding the costs of repairs or maintenance. The term also includes specific equipment. S. 163.31801(3), F.S.
31 S. 163.31801(2), F.S. Water and sewer connection fees are not impact fees. S. 163.31801(12), F.S.
32 S. 163.31801(4)(a), F.S.
33 S. 163.31801(4)(b), F.S.
34 S. 163.31801(4)(c), F.S.
35 S. 163.31801(4)(d), F.S.
36 S. 163.31801(4)(e), F.S.
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 The impact fee must be reasonably connected to, or have a rational nexus with, the need for
additional capital facilities and the increased impact generated by the new residential or
commercial construction.37
 The impact f