BILL #: HB 455 Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan
SPONSOR(S): Casello and others
1) Agriculture, Conservation & Resiliency 14 Y, 0 N Gawin Moore
2) Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations 14 Y, 0 N Byrd Pigott
3) Infrastructure Strategies Committee 23 Y, 0 N Gawin Harrington
Recycling is any process by which solid waste, or materials that would otherwise become solid waste, are
collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to use in the form of raw materials or intermediate
or final products. In 2008, the Legislature set a statewide goal to recycle at least 75 percent of municipal solid
waste (MSW) by 2020. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) established numerous programs
and initiatives to reach the 75 percent recycling goal. In 2010, the Legislature built on this goal by requiring
counties to implement local recycling programs with interim goals of recycling MSW. Each Florida county has
the authority and responsibility to provide for the operation of solid waste disposal facilities to meet the needs
of all incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county.
While Florida achieved the interim goals for 2012 and 2014, the state’s recycling rates did not meet the 2020
75 percent recycling goal. DEP was required to submit a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives each year in which the interim recycling goals were not met. In 2021, DEP
released its final report titled “Florida and the 2020 75% Recycling Goal” (2020 report). The 2020 report
outlines various recommendations to increase recycling within the state.
The bill requires DEP, by July 1, 2025, to develop a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan (plan)
for the state based on recommendations from the 2020 report. DEP must also convene a technical assistance
group to help develop the plan. At a minimum, the bill requires the plan to identify recycling goals based on
sustainable materials management and waste diversion and include a three-year plan to implement certain
specified policies.
Upon completion of the plan, the bill requires DEP to provide a report to the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report must include an update on the status of the plan and any
recommendations for statutory changes necessary to achieve the recycling goals or strategies identified in the
The bill may have an insignificant negative fiscal impact on the state.
This docum ent does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill sponsor or House of Representatives .
DATE: 2/8/2024
Recycling is any process by which solid waste, or materials that would otherwise become solid waste,
are collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to use in the form of raw materials or
intermediate or final products.1 These materials or products include, but are not limited to, crude oil,
fuels, and fuel substitutes.2 Local governments are responsible for collecting and transporting solid
waste to solid waste processing facilities where the recyclables are separated by category. 3
Florida’s Recycling Goal
In 2008, the Legislature set a statewide goal to recycle at least 75 percent of municipal solid waste
(MSW)4 by 2020.5 The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) established numerous programs
and initiatives to reach the 75 percent recycling goal.6 In 2010, the Legislature built on this goal by
requiring counties to implement local recycling programs with interim goals of recycling MSW as
follows: 7
Recycling Goal Goal Date
40 percent December 31, 2012
50 percent December 31, 2014
60 percent December 31, 2016
70 percent December 31, 2018
75 percent December 31, 2020
While Florida achieved the interim goals for 2012 and 2014, the state’s recycling rate for 2016 was 56
percent, falling short of the 60 percent goal.8 Between 2016 and 2020, Florida’s statewide recycling rate
continued to decline, with a rate of 52 percent in 2019 and 50 percent in 2020. 9 Only three of Florida’s
36 large counties—Charlotte, Lee, and Pinellas—successfully met the 75 percent recycling goal by
2020.10 In 2022, the single-family recycling participation rate was 48 percent, which was a 4 percent
increase from 2020 but a 3 percent decrease from 2021. 11 Commercial recycling participation rates also
showed a slight increase (approximately 1 percent) during the same timeframe. 12
1 Section 403.703(31), F.S.
2 Id.
3 Section 403.706(1), F.S.; Municipalities are also authorized to construct and operate solid waste disposal facilities if cert ain statutory
requirements are met. Rule 62-701, F.A.C.; City of Fort Lauderdale, What Really Happens to Our Recycling,
recycling#:~:text=The%20recyclab les%20are%20placed%20on,and%20paper%20and%20cardboard%20remain. (last visited J an. 12,
4 “MSW” means any solid waste, except for sludge, resulting from the operation of residential, commercial, governmental, or
institutional establishments that would normally be collected, processed, and disposed of through a public or privat e solid waste
management service. MSW also includes yard trash but does not include solid waste from industrial, mining, or agricultural
operations. Section 403.706(5), F.S.
5 Section 403.7032, F.S.; MSW is measured by weight. DEP, Florida and the 2020 75% Recycling Goal: Final Report, 3, 8 (2020),
available at (last visited Jan.
12, 2024).
6 DEP, Recycling, (last visited Jan. 12, 2024).
7 Section 403.706(2)(a), F.S.
8 DEP, Florida and the 2020 75% Recycling Goal: Final Report at 2, available at
assistance/documents/75-recycling-goal-final-report. (last visited Jan. 12, 2024).
9 Id. at 6. Prior to the implementation of the 75 percent recycling goal, Florida’s recycling rate, which was calculated based on
recycling traditional materials, was 30 percent. If the same methodology was applied to 2020, the recycling rate would be only 25
percent. Id.
10 Id. at 9. “Large counties” are those with a population of over 100,000. Id.
11 DEP, 2022 Single-Family Participation in Recycling (2023), available at (last visited Jan. 12, 2024); DEP, 2021 Single-Family
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Local Government Solid Waste and Recycling Responsibilities
Each Florida county has the authority and responsibility to provide for the operation of solid waste
disposal facilities to meet the needs of all incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. 13
Counties may charge reasonable fees for the handling and disposal of solid waste at their facilities. 14
Municipalities are responsible for collecting and transporting solid waste from their jurisdictions to a
solid waste disposal facility operated by a county or county contractor. 15 Local governments are also
authorized to provide for the collection of recyclable materials. 16 A market must exist for the recyclable
materials, and the local government must specifically intend for them to be recycled. 17
As discussed above, counties are required to implement recycling programs that include the statutory
interim goals.18 These programs must be designed to recover a significant portion of at least four of the
following materials from the solid waste stream prior to final disposal at a solid waste disposal facility
and to offer these materials for recycling:
 Newspapers;
 Aluminum cans;
 Steel cans;
 Glass;
 Plastic bottles;
 Cardboard;
 Office paper; and
 Yard trash.19
In addition, each county must ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that municipalities within its
boundaries participate in the preparation and implementation of recycling and solid waste management
programs through interlocal agreements or other means provided by law.20 Counties and municipalities
are encouraged to form cooperative arrangements for implementing recycling programs, 21 and must
enter into negotiations with a franchisee who is operating to exclusively collect solid waste within a
specified service area for a county or municipality.22
Certain activities are eligible for special credit towards achieving a county’s recycling goals, including
the use of solid waste as fuel in a renewable energy facility, the innovative use of yard trash or other
clean wood waste or paper waste, and providing opportunities to recycle in counties with smaller
populations.23 To assess progress, counties must provide information on their solid waste management
programs and recycling activities to DEP by April 1 of each year. 24 DEP may reduce or modify a
Participation in Recycling (2022), available at (last visited
Jan. 12, 2024); DEP, 2020 Single-Family Participation in Recycling (2021), available at icipation%20in%20Recycling.pdf. (last visited Jan. 12, 2024).
12 DEP, 2022 Commercial Participation in Recycling (2023), available at (last visited Jan. 12, 2024); DEP, 2021 Commercial
Participation in Recycling (2022), available at rida.pdf (last visited Jan.
12, 2024); DEP, 2020 Commercial Participation in Recycling (2021), available at (last visited Jan. 12, 2024).
13 Section 403.706(1), F.S. Municipalities are also authorized to construct and operate solid waste disposal facilities if cert ain statutory
requirements are met. Fla. Admin. Code Ch. 62-701.
14 Id.
15 Id.
16 Section 403.706(21), F.S.
17 Id.
18 Section 403.706(2)(a), F.S.
19 Section 403.706(2)(f), F.S.
20 Section 403.706(3), F.S.
21 Section 403.706(2)(a), F.S.
22 Section 403.706(9), F.S.
23 Section 403.706(4), F.S.
24 Section 403.706(7), F.S.; Rule 62-716.450, F.A.C.
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county’s recycling goal if the county demonstrates that the achievement of the goal would have an
adverse effect on the financial obligations of the county that are directly related to the county’s waste-
to-energy facility, and the county cannot remove normally combustible materials from solid waste that is
to be processed at a waste-to-energy facility because of the need to maintain a sufficient amount of
solid waste to ensure the financial viability of the facility.25 However, the goal may only be reduced or
modified to the extent necessary to alleviate the adverse effects on the financial viability of a county’s
waste-to-energy facility.26
Local governments can require all residential properties, multifamily dwellings, apartment complexes,
and industrial, commercial, and institutional establishments to create programs for the separation of
recyclable materials designated by the local government.27 Local governments can also require a
commercial establishment to source-separate the recovered materials generated on the premises. 28
However, a local government may not:
 Require a commercial establishment that generates source-separated recovered materials to
sell its recovered materials to the local government or to a facility designated by the local
 Restrict such a generator’s right to sell such recovered materials to any properly certified
recovered materials dealer who has satisfied the statutory requirements; or
 Enact any ordinance that prevents such a dealer from entering into a contract with a commercial
establishment to purchase, collect, transport, process, or receive source-separated recovered
DEP’s Recycling Report
DEP was required to submit a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives each year in which the interim recycling goals were not met. 30 These reports had to
identify additional programs or statutory changes needed to achieve the recycling goals.31 In 2021,
DEP released its final report titled “Florida and the 2020 75% Recycling Goal” (2020 report).32
According to the 2020 report, Florida generated the equivalent to over two tons of MSW per resident in
2020, which is approximately twice the national average.33 However, there is no universal methodology
for measuring progress toward recycling goals. Moreover, Florida’s MSW calculations do not account
for tourists, while calculations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other states do.34
In the 2020 report, DEP recommends convening a technical assistance group (TAG) to develop a
comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan for Florida. 35 The TAG, if convened, would include
the Florida Recycling Workgroup, local governments, and other interested parties, and the
comprehensive plan would implement stakeholder recommendations by:
 Identifying a set of recycling goals that use sustainable materials management 36 and waste
diversion37 concepts;
25 Section 403.706(6), F.S.
26 Id.
27 Section 403.706(21), F.S. Such ordinances may include, but are not limited to, prohibiting any person from knowingly disposin g of
recyclable materials and ensuring the collection of recovered materials as necessary to protect public health and safety. Id.
28 Section 403.7046(2)(a), F.S.
29 Section 403.7046(2), F.S.
30 Section 403.706(2)(e), F.S.; see s. 403.705(3), F.S. DEP must evaluate and report biennially to the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House on the state’s success in meeting the solid waste recycling goal.
31 Section 403.706(2)(e), F.S.
32 DEP, Florida and the 2020 75% Recycling Goal: Final Report at 2, available at
compliance-assistance/documents/75-recycling-goal-final-report. (last visited Jan. 12, 2024).
33 Id. at 8.
34 Id.
35 Id. at 4.
36 Sustainable materials management is a term for alternative approaches to recycling that recognize the differences among waste
components with respect to environmental and resource outcomes. Sustainable materials management focuses on using and reusing
materials more productively over their life cycles. Id.
37 Waste diversion is the process of diverting waste from landfills; it is the amount of material that is reduced, reused, and/o r recycled
per capita and can be measured by the amount of waste not being disposed of in landfills. Waste diversion reduces disposal costs and
the burden on landfills. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Waste Diversion at EPA,
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 Developing objectives and proposing a three-year plan to develop a recycling market, education
and outreach, and local government assistance; and
 Proposing statutory language to implement the revised recycling goals and strategies. 38
The 2020 report also provides recommendations from the Florida Recycling Workgroup and a group of
local governments, including:
 Replacing the current 75 percent weight-based goal with a goal or set of goals that are better
indicators of program performance and desired environmental and economic outcomes;39
 Using sustainable materials management to prioritize which materials to recycle based on
environmental metrics and market availability and setting recycling goals for these specific
materials; and
 Focusing on three strategies: education and outreach, funding and incentives to support local
government recycling efforts, and developing recycling markets. 40
Recycling Education and Outreach
Education on the types of recycling services available, how materials are collected, and which materials
are accepted is important for a successful recycling program. Because recycling programs within the
state vary significantly