The Florida Senate
(This document is based on the provisions contained in the legislation as of the latest date listed below.)
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Committee on Fiscal Policy
INTRODUCER: Transportation Committee and Senators Book and Stewart
SUBJECT: Transportation Facility Designations/Jimmy Buffett Highway
DATE: February 13, 2024 REVISED:
1. Johnson Vickers TR Fav/CS
2. Nortelus Jerrett ATD Favorable
3. Johnson Yeatman FP Favorable
Please see Section IX. for Additional Information:
COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE - Substantial Changes
I. Summary:
CS/SB 84 designates those portions of State Road A1A located in Monroe, Miami-Dade,
Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Brevard, Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns,
Duval, and Nassau Counties as “Jimmy Buffett Memorial Highway” and directs the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT), by August 30, 2024, to erect suitable markers.
The estimated cost to FDOT to install the designation markers required under the bill is $23,400.
See the “Fiscal Impact Statement” below for details.
The bill takes effect upon becoming a law.
II. Present Situation:
Section 334.071, F.S., provides that legislative designations of transportation facilities are for
honorary or memorial purposes or to distinguish a particular facility. Such designations may not
be construed as requiring any action by local governments or private parties regarding the
changing of any street signs, mailing addresses, or 911 emergency telephone number system
listings, unless the legislation specifically provides for such changes.1
Section 334.071(1), F.S.
BILL: CS/SB 84 Page 2
When the Legislature establishes road or bridge designations, the FDOT is required to place
markers only at the termini specified for each highway segment or bridge designated by the law
creating the designation and to erect any other markers it deems appropriate for the
transportation facility.2
FDOT may not erect the markers for honorary road or bridge designations unless the affected
city or county commission enacts a resolution supporting the designation. When the designated
road or bridge segment is located in more than one city or county, each affected local
government must pass resolutions supporting the designations before the installation of the
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett was a music performer, with hits such as “Margaritaville,” “Come Monday,” and
“It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere.” He had a second career as a successful author with both fiction
and non-fiction best-sellers. His third career as an entrepreneur, building a diversified lifestyle
brand business, including Margaritaville hotels, restaurants, and retirement communities. Jimmy
Buffett was born on December 25, 1946, and passed away on September 1, 2023.4
III. Effect of Proposed Changes:
The bill creates an undesignated section of Florida law designating those portions of State Road
A1A located in Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River,
Brevard, Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns, Duval, and Nassau Counties as “Jimmy Buffett Memorial
Highway” and directs FDOT, by August 30, 2024, to erect suitable markers.
The bill takes effect upon becoming a law.
IV. Constitutional Issues:
A. Municipality/County Mandates Restrictions:
B. Public Records/Open Meetings Issues:
C. Trust Funds Restrictions:
D. State Tax or Fee Increases:
Section 334.071(2), F.S.
Section 334.071(3), F.S.
Jimmy Buffett Obituary available at (last visited December 15, 2023).
BILL: CS/SB 84 Page 3
E. Other Constitutional Issues:
V. Fiscal Impact Statement:
A. Tax/Fee Issues:
B. Private Sector Impact:
C. Government Sector Impact:
Assuming one designation marker in each direction in each county along State Road
A1A, FDOT’s estimated cost to erect the designation markers required under this bill is
$23,400, based on the cost of two markers in each of 13 counties at $900 each. This
estimate includes labor, materials, manufacturing, and installation. FDOT is expected to
absorb the estimated cost within existing resources.
VI. Technical Deficiencies:
VII. Related Issues:
The bill requires FDOT to erect the suitable markers designating the Jimmy Buffett Memorial
Highway by August 30, 2024. However, s. 334.071, F.S., provides that the erection of markers is
contingent on the appropriate city or county passing a resolution supporting the designation, and
if the designation is in multiple cities or counties, each affected local government must pass the
resolution. The bill names 13 counties and will also require resolutions supporting the
designation from each municipality along State Road A1A.
VIII. Statutes Affected:
This bill creates an undesignated section of Florida law.
IX. Additional Information:
A. Committee Substitute – Statement of Substantial Changes:
(Summarizing differences between the Committee Substitute and the prior version of the bill.)
CS by Transportation on January 10, 2023:
The committee substitute:
 Designates S.R. A1A through the entire length of the state as the Jimmy Buffett
Memorial Highway.
 Requires the FDOT to erect the suitable markers by August 30, 2024.
BILL: CS/SB 84 Page 4
 Changes the effective date of the bill to upon becoming a law.
B. Amendments:
This Senate Bill Analysis does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill’s introducer or the Florida Senate.