BILL #: CS/CS/CS/HB 1537 Education
SPONSOR(S): Education & Employment Committee, Appropriations Committee and Education Quality
Subcommittee, Rizo and others
1) Education Quality Subcommittee 18 Y, 0 N, As CS McDaniel Sanchez
2) Appropriations Committee 27 Y, 0 N, As CS Potvin Pridgeon
3) Education & Employment Committee 18 Y, 0 N, As CS McDaniel Hassell
The bill improves the overall quality of Florida’s teacher preparation programs by streamlining programs, program
requirements, and expanding upon the uniform core curricula.
The bill requires a system-wide shift from professional development to professional learning by defining the requirements
for professional learning and requiring the Department of Education (DOE) to create a high-quality programs web-based
marketplace. The bill protects administrators’ responsibility to visit and observe classroom teachers throughout the year.
The bill extends temporary teaching certificates from 3 years to 5 years and limits the certificate to a one-time, non-
renewable issuance. The bill expands eligibility for temporary certification to candidates who are currently enrolled in
state-approved teacher preparation programs and meet certain requirements.
The bill requires instruction on Asian American and Pacific Islander history with specified topics ; replaces one practical
arts credit with one career and technical education credit; and, adds measures to the school grades formula. The bill
requires each school district to annually review and confirm that all reproductive health and disease information, including
instructional materials, parental exemption process and form , and associated links available on the district school board
website are accurate and up-to-date. The bill expands postsecondary credit pathways.
The bill authorizes school districts to select the Classic Learning Test (CLT) for an annual districtwide administration for
certain students and allows students to earn a concordant score on the CLT to meet the initial eligibility requirements for
the Bright Futures Scholarship Program (Bright Futures). The bill allows Bright Futures students to combine volunteer and
paid work hours to meet initial eligibility requirements. The bill provides retroactive authority for students to include paid
work completed on or after June 27, 2022 in the student’s total of required paid work hours.
The bill authorizes additional enforcement mechanisms for the Commission for Independent Education (commission) at
the DOE, and expands fair consumer practices and minimum standards for licensure of private, postsecondary institutions
under the jurisdiction of the commission.
The bill adds a rebuttal provision within school district zero tolerance policies, and provides for privacy of student personal
belongings during a search.
The bill authorizes a charter school governing board to adopt rules to allow for the issuance of an adjunct teaching
certificate to any applicant who fulfills the certification requirements under the law, and modifies charter capital outlay
funding eligibility requirements.
The bill authorizes a district school board with an appointed superintendent to review and reappoint any member of the
district executive staff.
The bill creates the year-round school pilot program, established for a period of four years.
The bill has an indeterminate fiscal impact. See Fiscal Analysis.
The bill has an effective date of July 1, 2023.
This docum ent does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill sponsor or House of Representatives .
DATE: 4/21/2023
Teacher Preparation Programs
Present Situation
Teacher preparation programs are accountable for producing individuals with the competencies and
skills necessary to achieve the state education goals.1 State-approved teacher preparation programs
are offered by Florida public and private postsecondary institutions, public school districts, and private
providers by which candidates for educator certification can, depending on the type of program,
demonstrate mastery of general knowledge, professional preparation and education competence,
and/or subject area knowledge for purposes of attaining an educator certificate. 2
There are various state-approved teacher preparation programs that individuals may use to receive the
training needed to attain teaching credentials, including: 3
 Initial Teacher Preparation programs: “traditional” teacher preparation programs require
candidates to demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge in one or more specific subject
areas(s), mastery of general knowledge, and mastery of professional preparation and education
competence. Program completers qualify for a professional educator certificate. 4
 Educator Preparation Institutes: alternative certification programs offered by postsecondary
institutions and qualified private providers for baccalaureate degree holders. These programs
provide professional preparation for career-changers and recent college graduates who do not
already possess a Professional Educator Certificate and require mastery of general knowledge,
mastery of subject area knowledge and mastery of professional preparation and education
 District Professional Development Certification and Education Competency Programs: cohesive
competency-based professional preparation certification programs offered by school districts,
charter schools, and charter management districts by which the instructional staff can satisfy the
mastery of professional preparation and education competence requirements.5 In addition to
completing the district program, candidates must demonstrate mastery of general knowledge 6
and subject area knowledge.7
Mastery of general knowledge for a professional teaching certificate may be demonstrated through
several methods, including the passing of one of several different examinations identified by the State
Board of Education (SBE),8 having a valid teaching certificate from another state, 9 having a SBE
approved national educator credentialing,10 having a master’s or higher degree,11 or completion of two
semesters of college teaching experience at a specified Florida institution. 12
1 Section 1004.04(1)(b), F.S.
2 See Florida Department of Education, Professional Development in Florida, (last
visited Mar. 9, 2023). See also rule 6A-5.066, F.A.C.; ss. 1004.04(3)(a) and 1004.85(1), F.S.
3 Florida Department of Education, Educator Preparation, (last visited Mar. 9, 2023). See
also rule 6A-5.066, F.A.C.
4 Rule 6A-5.066(1)(r), F.A.C.
5 Section 1012.56(8)(a), F.S.
6 See Florida Department of Education, General Knowledge,
requirements/general-knowledge.stml (last visited Mar. 9, 2023).
7 Florida Department of Education, Subject Area Knowledge,
requirements/subject-area-knowledge.stml (last visited Mar. 9, 2023)
8 Section 1012.56(3)(e), F.S. Examinations for mastery of general knowledge include the Florida General Knowledge Test and
identified test sections of the GRE, including GRE Analytical Writ ing, GRE Quantitative Reasoning, and GRE Verbal Reasoning.
9 Section 1012.56(3)(b), F.S.
10 Section 1012.56(3)(c), F.S.
11 Section 1012.56(3)(f), F.S. Degree must be from an accredited postsecondary educational institution that the DOE has identified as
having a quality program resulting in a bachelor’s degree or higher.
12 Section 1012.56(3)(d), F.S.
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Mastery of subject area knowledge for a professional teaching certificate may be demonstrated through
the passing of a subject matter examination under specific conditions, a valid teaching certificate from
another state, a valid certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, or a
passing score or program completion of a specified defense language proficiency test or program.13
Teacher Preparation Program Uniform Core Curricula
Each candidate enrolled in a teacher preparation program must receive instruction and be assessed on
the uniform core curricula in his or her area of program concentration during course work and field
experiences. A candidate for certification in a coverage area that includes reading instruction or
interventions in kindergarten through grade 6 must successfully complete all competencies for a
reading endorsement.14
Uniform core curricula for each state-approved teacher preparation program is established by the SBE
and must include, but is not limited to:15
 candidate instruction and assessment in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices across
content areas;
 the use of state-adopted content standards to guide curricula and instruction;16
 scientifically researched and evidence-based reading instructional strategies that improve
reading performance for all students, including explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches
to teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension and
multisensory intervention strategies; 17
 content literacy and mathematical practices;
 strategies appropriate for instruction of English language learners;
 strategies appropriate for instruction of students with disabilities;
 strategies to differentiate instruction based on student needs;
 strategies and practices to support evidence-based content aligned to state standards and
grading practices;
 strategies appropriate for the early identification of students in crisis or experiencing a mental
health challenge and the referral of such student to a mental health professional for support;
 strategies to support the use of technology in education and distance learning.
In addition, before program completion, each candidate must demonstrate his or her ability to positively
impact student learning growth in the candidate’s area(s) of program concentration during a
prekindergarten through grade 12 field experience and must pass each portion of the Florida Teacher
Certification Examination required for a professional certificate in the area(s) of program
13 Section 1012.56(5), F.S.
14 Section 1004.04(2)(c), F.S.
15 Section 1004.04(2)(b)1.-10., F.S.
16 The State Board of Education has adopted the state academic standards, which establish the core content of the curricula taug ht in
the state and specify the core content knowledge and skills that K-12 public school students are expected to acquire. Rule 6A-
1.09401(1), F.A.C.; s. 1003.41(1), F.S.
17 The Just Read, Florida! Office must assist teacher preparation programs and educator preparation institutes with this requirement.
Section 1001.215(11), F.S.
18 Section 1004.04(2)(d), F.S.
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Educator Preparation Institutes
Postsecondary institutions that are accredited or approved by the Department of Education (DOE) to
award degrees and credits for educator certification may seek approval from the DOE to create
educator preparation institutes (EPI) for the purpose of providing all or any of the following: 19
 professional development instruction to assist teachers in improving classroom instruction and
in meeting certification or recertification requirements;
 instruction to assist potential and existing substitute teachers in performing their duties;
 instruction to assist paraprofessionals in meeting education and training requirements;
 competency-based program instruction for noneducation baccalaureate degree holders to
become certified teachers in order to increase routes to the classroom for mid-career
professionals; and
 instruction and professional development for part-time and full-time non-degreed teachers of
career programs.
A private provider that has a proven history of delivering high-quality educator preparation may also
seek approval to offer a competency-based certification program. The DOE approval must be based
upon evidence provided from other state recipients of the provider’s services and data showing the
successful performance of completers based upon student achievement. 20
Each EPI participant must: 21
 meet certification application and eligibility requirements established in law;
 participate in coursework and field experiences that are appropriate to the participant’s
educational plan, including completion of all competencies for a reading endorsement when
seeking certification in a certificate area that includes reading instruction or interventions in
kindergarten through grade 6;
 before completion of the program, fully demonstrate his or her ability to teach the subject area
for which he or she is seeking certification by documenting a positive impact on student learning
growth in a prekindergarten through grade 12 setting; and
 achieve a passing score on the professional education competency examination, 22 the basic
skills examination, and the subject area examination for the subject area certification which is
required by SBE rule.
Continued EPI approval is determined by the Commissioner of Education based upon a periodic review
of candidate readiness based on passage rates on educator certification examinations and evidence of
performance of students in prekindergarten through grade 12 who are assigned to in-field program
completers on statewide assessments, results of program completers’ annual evaluations, and
workforce contributions.23
Each approved EPI must submit annual performance evaluations to the DOE that measure the
effectiveness of the programs, including the pass rates of participants on all examinations required for
teacher certification, employment rates, longitudinal retention rates, and satisfaction surveys of
employers and program completers. The satisfaction surveys must be designed to measure the
sufficient preparation of the educator for the realities of the classroom and the institute’s
responsiveness to local school districts. These evaluations must be used by the DOE for purposes of
continued approval of an EPI’s certification program.24
Professional Development Certification and Education Competency Programs
19 Section 1004.85(2)(a), F.S.
20 Section 1004.85(2)(b), F.S.
21 Section 1004.85(3)(b), F.S.
22 An individual that completes an educator preparation institute and is rated highly effective by his or her performance evalua tion is
not required to take or achieve a passing score on the professional education competency examination in order to be awarded a
professional certificate. Section 1012.575, F.S.
23 Section 1004.85(4), F.S.
24 Section 1004.85(5), F.S.
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School districts, charter schools and charter management organizations may offer a professional
development certification program that must be approved by the DOE. The program must include: 25
 a minimum period of initial preparation before becoming the teacher of record;
 an option to collaborate with other agencies or educational entities for implementation;
 a teacher mentorship and induction component;
 an assessment of teaching performance aligned with the district’s personnel evaluation system;
 professional educational preparation content knowledge which must be included in the
mentoring and induction activities;
 required passing scores on the general knowledge, subject area and the professional education
competency test; and
 completion of all competencies for a reading endorsement for all candidates for certification in
coverage areas that include reading instruction or interventions in kindergarten through grade 6.
As required by law, the DOE adopted, effective January 1, 2018, standards for the approval of
professional development certification programs, including standards for the teacher mentorship and
induction component.26 The standards for the teacher mentorship and induction component must
 program administration and evaluation;
 mentor roles, selection, and training;
 beginning teacher assessment and professional development; and
 teacher content knowledge and practices aligne