This Act establishes a new state-level Department of Veterans Affairs led by a cabinet-level Secretary to advocate for and administer programs relating to veterans in the State of Delaware. It is the intent of this legislation that current staff of the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and the Office of Veterans Affairs will continue their work, but as part of the new Department of Veterans Affairs, with the potential for expanded staff and duties in accordance with annual appropriations. Employees of the Department in supervisory positions are required to be veterans. For non-supervisory and casual/seasonal positions, non-veterans may be hired when a qualified veteran is not available.
The Commission of Veterans Affairs will continue in its current form, It will continue to oversee the Delaware Veterans Home and will serve in an advisory role to the new Secretary and Department on other matters relating to veterans. The Department will assume the assets, liabilities, and contracts of the Commission on the Act’s effective date. The new Department is tasked with developing and proposing strategies for the provision of alternative elder care or the establishment of one or more additional veterans homes to serve the aging veteran population.
Statutes affected:
Original Text: 20.1202, 21.2139, 9.9605, 21.2140, 30.1197