A major environmental concern is the spread of pathogens and invasive species across water bodies. The use of live bait in both non-tidal and tidal waters can inadvertently result in the transfer of invasive species and pathogens to new waters. Freshwater ecosystems are particularly susceptible to invasive species spreading disease and destroying Delaware’s native species and freshwater habitats.
This Act requires the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, through regulations, to determine which species of live bait may be harvested, imported, transported, sold, or used, in the tidal and non-tidal waters of the State. This Act requires the Department to post all such promulgated regulations on the Department’s website. This Act also permits the Department, by regulation, to prohibit or restrict the importation or sale of live bait species from other states or countries.
This Act is to be implemented the earlier of 6 months after enactment or notice by the Secretary of the Department to the Register of Regulations that final regulations have been adopted.
Statutes affected: Original Text: 7.903, 7.942
Final/Engrossed: 7.903, 7.942