This Act creates the Affordable Housing Production Task Force (“Task Force”). The purpose and mission of the Task Force is to investigate and make findings and rcommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on how the State and local governments can increase the production of affordable rental units and homes in Delaware.
The Task Force shall consist of 20 members some appointed by the Governor, some appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, some appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and some will serve as a member by virtue of their official position. The Co-Chairs of the Task Force will be (1) the member of the Delaware Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, (2) the member of the Delaware House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and (3) the Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority.
The Task Force must create, at a minimum, the following Sub-Committees: (1) Regulating and Permitting, (2) Finance and Development, (3) Construction, (4) Manufactured Housing, (5) Community Focus Groups. The Chairs of the Sub-Committees must be members of the Task Force but the members of the Sub-Committees do not have to be on the Task Force. A Sub-Committee may have a maximum of 9 members.
This Act establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Co-Chairs of the Task Force and the requirements that will govern the administration of the Task Force.
The first meeting of the Task Force must be held no later than 60 days after enactment of this Act.
The Task Force must provide its Final Report by March 1, 2025.
This Task Force will expire on the date it submits its Final Report unless its existence is continued by a subsequent act of the General Assembly.